Sunday 31 March 2013

Employee Resignation For Health Reasons

(your name, street

city, state, zip)




city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

When I took the position at ____ (company), I never thought that I would be
resigning so quickly.  However, I must leave the position at the ____ (end, beginning)
of ____ (month).  Ill health and growing burdens have made it impossible to conduct
this program.  I only wish that I can continue to work for such a worthwhile agency.

Denial For Price Discount

Denial For Price Discount

 (Sender's Adress)
(Recever's Adress)

Concerning your request for a discount on your purchases:

I wish I could but I cannot.

Dear Sir:

When _____ (firm's name) set up the ____ (year) price schedule in the
 ____ (season), we tried to keep the prices on each item as low as possible.
We also set up a discount based on the quantity purchases.  We explained to
our customers that these pricing schedules were based equitably on the value
of the product and the quantities being purchased.

So you can see, if we charged your shipment less, we would have to charge
someone else's shipment more. And that would be unfair to our other customers.
I know that you will understand our one-price policy.  This is, obviously, the only
fair way that we can operate.  It is a policy that assures all our customers the
maximum value for every dollar that they spend.

Denial For Credit / Open Account

Banks and credit unions want to learn about your financial past before establishing an account with you, and they do this by running a bank history report on you. 

Denial For Credit / Open Account

(your name, street

city, state, zip)




city, state, zip)

Dear _____ (name):

To tell you the truth, many of our customers prefer to make their purchases by
cash. This alleviates the anxiety of having to make late payment charges. I would
like to recommend this method to you because, as much as I have tried, I cannot
find a way to add you to our list of credit customers.

Delivery Method Error Refund Letters

This Letter should be written in The Letter-Pad of the Company.

From :

The Sender's Name,
Door Number and Street's Name,
Area Name,
Postal Code : XXXXXXX
Phone Number : 0000 - 123456789
E-mail ID :

Date :

Reference :

TO :

Addressee's Name,
The Company's Name,
Full Address with Phone Number.

Subject :

Dear ____,

We shipped your order no. ____ (number) for ______ number and item) air express, special delivery instead of regular ground shipping because we thought that time was a critical factor.

Because our assumption was our error, we are mailing you a credit for the difference in delivery rates.

Yours Sincerely,

(The Sender's Signature)

The Sender's Name


This is a typical letter. You have to add your company's name with full address. And the receiver's name and full address also should be added in the place allotted for that purpose. Without those primary details no letter carries any significance. So, you are requested to provide all those important details. Failing which the letter will make a wrong impression about your company and you among the receivers of your letters. This is the most unwanted attitude on your side in dealing with the clients who are the most valued assets of any business organisation. If necessary, leave those spaces blank.

Condolence Letter

A sympathy or condolence note can be a great source of comfort to someone who is grieving the loss of a loved one. It’s a simple way of letting that person know that they are in your thoughts as they go through the difficult process of grief and mourning.
Guidelines for Writing a Letter
A letter of sympathy, or condolence, should be written and sent promptly. A good guideline is within the first two weeks following the loss. If possible, hand write the letter on stationery rather than typing and printing from a computer. If you want to use a store-bought card, write a personal note on stationery and tuck it inside the card.
Write the letter in your own voice, meaning the way you would normally speak to the person. There is no reason to get too fancy and try to come up with a poem or verse unless that is how you normally speak or you’re a writer by profession.

Collection Letter

A collection letter is a professional document written by a creditor, be it a company or a business owner, to a debtor notifying them of the money they owe the sender of the letter and in most cases, giving them instructions on how to contact the creditor and make the late remittance.
The collection agent should write the letter in a tone that is both firm and considerate, reminding the customer of the amount that is past due and that the business would appreciate a swift payment. For example, a collection letter for a debt that is 30 days past due might start out by stating, "We have yet to receive payment and would encourage you to send it as soon as possible in order to maintain your credit privileges."
The content of any business collection letter usually states the nature of the complaint and the steps that the recipient needs to take to resolve it. For example, a letter for a debt that is 60 days past due might state: "We still have not received payment for Invoice #19 dated January 2, 2012. On March 2nd, we sent a past due reminder but have not heard back from you. Please contact our office as soon as possible to arrange payment."
Business collection letters that are final notices will typically inform the customer that his debt will be referred to a collection agency after a certain date. In some circumstances, a final notice may also state that the company will file legal action or repossess unpaid property. Final notices usually occur with debt that is 90 days or more past due. For example, a final collection letter for payment on furniture might state, "Unless payment in full is received within two weeks from the date of this letter, we will be forced to repossess the property."
Payment Negotiation
A business collection letter that attempts to preserve the well-being of the relationship between the merchant and the customer may offer a revised payment plan. For example, a company may offer partial payments to a customer who is past due by 30 days. The collection letter could state, "We recognize that you may be experiencing financial hardship. Please contact us as soon as possible to set up an alternate payment agreement."

Notice Writing

Notice Writing 
A notice is a very important form of written communication which is used to announcefunctions and events; to issue public instructions; to make appeals or to intend invitations.The information which is given in the notice must be written in a clear and lucid styleUsing easy to understand language.
1.Name of the organization, institution or office issuing it.
2.Date issuing the notice.
3.The word''notice''
4.A suitable description, eye – catching caption, or heading.
5.Purpose for which it has been written: calling a meeting, drawing attention,making an appeal or informing general public etc.
6.Detail of schedule [date, time, venue, program, duration etc.] in case the notice isabout an event.
7.Signature, name of designation of the person issuing the notice.
1.Notices can use capital letters for details such as names of organizations captionor an important detail within the message itself.
2.The date of notice should be placed at the top left.
3.The entire content of the notice is centered within a box.
4.Complete sentences need not always be used in all types of notices. Abbreviationsand symbols can also be used.
5.Marks are deducted for exceeding the prescribed word limit. [i.e. 50 words for the body of notice
A sample is provided here:

Saturday 30 March 2013


Better writing can result in proposals that win contracts, advertisements that sell
products, instruction manuals that users can follow, billboards that catch a driver’s attention. stories that make us laugh or cry, and letters, memos, and reports that get your message across to the reader. Here are 12 tips on style and word choice that can make writing clear and persuasive.
Your moods vary. After all, you’re only human. But while it is sometimes difficult to
present your best self in conversation, which is spontaneous and instant, letters are written alone and on your own schedule. Therefore, you can and should take the time to let your most pleasant personality shine through in your writing.
Be especially careful when replying to an e-mail message you have received. The
temptation is to treat the message as conversation, and if you are irritated or just outrageously pressured and busy, the tendency is to reply in a clipped and curt fashion — again, not showing you at your best.
The solution? Although you may be eager to reply immediately to e-mail so you can get the message out of your inbox, a better strategy for when your reply is important is to set it aside, compose your answer when you are not so time pressured, and read it carefully before sending.
A Tip: Never write a letter when angry. If you must write the letter when angry, then put it aside without sending it, and come back to it later. You will most likely want to throw it out and start over, not send it at all, or drastically revise it.
Remember, once you hit the Reply button, it is too late to get the message back. It’s out there, and you can’t retrieve it. Same thing when you drop a letter in the mailbox
(it’s actually a felony to reach into the mailbox and try to retrieve the letter!).
Naturally, a memo on sizing pumps shouldn’t have the same chatty tone as a personal letter. But most business and technical professionals lean too much in the other direction, and their sharp thinking is obscured by windy, overly formal prose.
The key to success in business or technical writing? Keep it simple. I’ve said this
before, but it bears repeating: Write to express — not to impress. A relaxed, conversational style can add vigor and clarity to your letters.

The Sample Collection Letter Apology For Mistaken Past Due Notices

Apology letter
Apology letter vary greatly in significance and weight. If you have gravely offended someone or done something you seriously regret, the best course of action is to first apologize in person and then send an apology letter as a follow-up. Of course, the format and formality of the letter will depend on the action or event for which you are apologizing, as well as the nature of your relationship with the person to whom you are apologizing. Above all else, simply be sincere.

Apology Letter

How to Write an Apology Letter
Apology letter vary greatly in significance and weight. If you have gravely offended someone or done something you seriously regret, the best course of action is to first apologize in person and then send an apology letter as a follow-up. Of course, the format and formality of the letter will depend on the action or event for which you are apologizing, as well as the nature of your relationship with the person to whom you are apologizing. Above all else, simply be sincere.
Some general rules that may help you get started:
Address the person by name (formally, if necessary).
Apologize…at the beginning. This is one instance where it does not pay to embellish your words. Be clear and humble and say you are sorry.
Briefly state what you did wrong. This is the only way to truly acknowledge your wrongdoing. If you avoid the subject, it can come across as insulting to the person to whom you are apologizing.
Send the letter as soon as possible. This can often repair damage and even save relationships before the damage becomes too great.
Begin rebuilding trust by promising sincerely that the offense will not happen again.
Hand-write your apology on a piece of Personal stationery. Typed letters are too stiff and impersonal for your heartfelt apology

Apology For Incorrect Collection Letter

This sample collection letter, titled 'Apology For Mistaken Past Due Notices' is free for you to use. This sample collection letter is designed to be used when a debtor has already received past-due notices and has not responded with payment. You can cut, copy, paste, fill in the blanks and send this sample collection letter out to your debtors

Thursday 28 March 2013

Acknowledgement Letter

How to Write an Acknowledgement Letter?
Acknowledgement letters are important as they allow others to know that you value their time and opinion. They effectively communicate your input to necessitate further action. They ascertain accomplishments and achievements. They confirm and clarify and build goodwill and trust. Writing Acknowledgement Letter is important as mentioned above. And to know what to write and how to write makes the importance of these letters two fold. A sample letter is available for read.