Sunday 31 March 2013

Notice Writing

Notice Writing 
A notice is a very important form of written communication which is used to announcefunctions and events; to issue public instructions; to make appeals or to intend invitations.The information which is given in the notice must be written in a clear and lucid styleUsing easy to understand language.
1.Name of the organization, institution or office issuing it.
2.Date issuing the notice.
3.The word''notice''
4.A suitable description, eye – catching caption, or heading.
5.Purpose for which it has been written: calling a meeting, drawing attention,making an appeal or informing general public etc.
6.Detail of schedule [date, time, venue, program, duration etc.] in case the notice isabout an event.
7.Signature, name of designation of the person issuing the notice.
1.Notices can use capital letters for details such as names of organizations captionor an important detail within the message itself.
2.The date of notice should be placed at the top left.
3.The entire content of the notice is centered within a box.
4.Complete sentences need not always be used in all types of notices. Abbreviationsand symbols can also be used.
5.Marks are deducted for exceeding the prescribed word limit. [i.e. 50 words for the body of notice
A sample is provided here:

Attendance Notice

(your name, street

city, state, zip)




city, state, zip)

Dear _____ (name):

Your work has been excellent.  However, your absentee record is now overshadowing
your work record.  I realize that your health has been poor but one of our job
requirements is regular attendance.  We have difficulty scheduling when we cannot
depend on your attendance.  We have discussed this subject with you several times
before.  Now your attendance must meet our requirements or we will have to
terminate you.




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