Sunday 31 March 2013

Collection Letter

A collection letter is a professional document written by a creditor, be it a company or a business owner, to a debtor notifying them of the money they owe the sender of the letter and in most cases, giving them instructions on how to contact the creditor and make the late remittance.
The collection agent should write the letter in a tone that is both firm and considerate, reminding the customer of the amount that is past due and that the business would appreciate a swift payment. For example, a collection letter for a debt that is 30 days past due might start out by stating, "We have yet to receive payment and would encourage you to send it as soon as possible in order to maintain your credit privileges."
The content of any business collection letter usually states the nature of the complaint and the steps that the recipient needs to take to resolve it. For example, a letter for a debt that is 60 days past due might state: "We still have not received payment for Invoice #19 dated January 2, 2012. On March 2nd, we sent a past due reminder but have not heard back from you. Please contact our office as soon as possible to arrange payment."
Business collection letters that are final notices will typically inform the customer that his debt will be referred to a collection agency after a certain date. In some circumstances, a final notice may also state that the company will file legal action or repossess unpaid property. Final notices usually occur with debt that is 90 days or more past due. For example, a final collection letter for payment on furniture might state, "Unless payment in full is received within two weeks from the date of this letter, we will be forced to repossess the property."
Payment Negotiation
A business collection letter that attempts to preserve the well-being of the relationship between the merchant and the customer may offer a revised payment plan. For example, a company may offer partial payments to a customer who is past due by 30 days. The collection letter could state, "We recognize that you may be experiencing financial hardship. Please contact us as soon as possible to set up an alternate payment agreement."
Collection Letter 1

(your name,
city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

How can we try to persuade you to pay your delinquent account? We have tried many
suggestions for extending the payment period, for making the monthly payments smaller,
and for getting help from lenders.  Now we have exhausted our own resources.
We have to seek help from outside our own company.  We have consulted with our attorney
and he told us that we have several avenues available to us for collecting our money.
We are very uncomfortable with the thought of going to court and, therefore, have decided
to extend your credit for ___ (amount of time) -- ___ (number of days).

To avoid legal action, we must have your check for

____ (amount of money) on or before ____, 200__ (date).




Collection Letter 2

(your name,
city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)


Dear ____ (name):

____ (time period), just ____ (time period) is the time our legal department tells us we
should extend your open account.  After that time -- ____ (date) -- our legal staff will
have to take action to collect the balance on your overdue account.
We have repeatedly written and phoned your office asking for payment.  We know
that you understand, as a businessman, that we can no longer by sympathetic.  We do
expect your cooperation.

We expect a payment from you on or before _____ (date).




Collection Letter 3
Dear ____ (name):
We have contacted you several times by letter and phone and have discussed
arrangements for the payment of your account.  The following items are still overdue:

No.                         Date                          Amount

No.                         Date                          Amount

No.                         Date                          Amount

No.                         Date                          Amount

So far we have not received any sign of your cooperation.  Therefore, we must insist on
immediate payment.  Please use the post past envelope that is enclosed for your convenience.



 Collection Letter 4
Dear ____ (name):

We cannot accept any further delay in paying your balance due.  Your ignoring our
suggestions of working together to get your account current is having a negative
effect on your credit record.  We must have a payment now.  If you cannot send at
least a partial payment now, call us so that we can come to a workable agreement.

Yours sincerely,
 Collection Letter 5


(your name)
(street address)
(city, state, zip)                     



Attention: _____________________

This is to advise you that you are in default under the terms of the promissory note
dated  _________________, for failure to make the payments due thereunder
of _________________.

The total amount due for those payments is $___________.  It is important that full
payment be received on or before ten (10) days from the date of this letter, or the
term for payment of your indebtedness will be accelerated and the entire principal
balance and any unpaid interest will become immediately due and payable.

As you are aware, the terms of the promissory note provide that interest accrues,
from the date of default, at the highest rate allowable by law, and you are liable, upon
default, for all costs and reasonable attorney's fees incurred in the collection of this debt.

If necessary, legal action will be taken to enforce payment of this promissory
note.   Please make the above payments to avoid any further collection action.





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