Wednesday 9 October 2013

How To Dance

How To Dance

How to Dance With a Great Confidence

What is Dance:

Move rhythmically to music, typically following a set sequence of steps: "their cheeks were pressed together as they danced".

How To Dance:(How To Dance)

There are so many types of dance. Such as: Belly Dancing,Salsa Dancing,Hip Hop Dance,Ballroom Dance,Indian Dance,Tap Dance,Ballet Dance. And dance is an art.There are some dance step techniques so keep in your mind for How to Learn Dance./Learn how to Dance

(A) Seal yourself up in a room. (How To Dance)

Find a space that is large enough to dance in without bumping into anything and where you won't be disturbed by anyone else.
Seal yourself up in a room.
Remove anything fragile and shoo pets out of the room if they're likely to react badly to your energetic self and loud music. Bribe siblings to go to the movies.

(B) Dance in front of a mirror. (How To Dance)

This will allow you to watch yourself and to work out which of your dance moves look great, along with the moves to avoid.
Dance in front of a mirror
However, note the comment below about mirrors having the potential to make you feel self-conscious.

(C) Deal with feeling self-conscious about dancing. (How To Dance)

For some people, a large part of the desire to hide from dancing is about feeling terribly self-conscious and worrying about being judged and found lacking. Since a lot of this is in your head, and dancing is for everyone no matter how untrained, dealing with your thinking is a good idea. Some things to consider include:
(1) Feel the movement. Instead of focusing too much on the actual steps to begin with, think about how it feels. The more you allow your body to do the dance thinking, the more you'll develop "muscle memory" and stop worrying in your head.
Deal with feeling self-conscious about dancing
(2) Don't take people's criticism to heart. Some people will laugh because they're just as embarrassed about their own dancing and they feel they've met a kindred spirit, so it's laughing with you, not at you. Other people criticise out of good intent, with the expectation that if you listen, you might actually learn how to do a dance step more easily; in this case, take it with the grace it is given and see if you can learn from it. Try it at least once, and if you don't like the suggestion, you don't have to stick with it.
(3) Lose the mirror. The mirror can cause you to be more self-conscious and less satisfied with your steps. If you find a mirror is making you dance stiffly and you're posing rather than dancing, then you're misusing the mirror. The mirror should simply reflect your enjoyment, not curtail your innate dancing ability.

(D) Move out of your practise room and into the public space.(How To Dance)

Be sure to dress well; if your dancing remains so-so, at least you'll still look great!
Scope out the dance floor to see what sort of dancing people are doing before you join them. If it's fast dancing and you only want to slow dance, or the other way around, wait it out until the pace changes.
Move out of your practise room and into the public space
For those of drinking age, have a drink to help you loosen up a bit but avoid getting drunk or there will be something to be embarrassed about the next day. If you can't or won't drink, try breathing exercises and affirmations of your dance-worthiness to help calm you and improve your mindset. Tell yourself: "I can dance as well as these people. I enjoy dancing. I am a good dancer."
Go with a friend. It's always easier to pluck up the courage to do something you're worried about when you've got support. He or she can help encourage you and even guide you onto the dance floor to "give it a go".

(E) Get on the floor. (How To Dance)

If the crowd is thin, try to stand near somebody who is drawing a lot of attention to their dancing, whether it's good or bad. This will mean that attention is focused elsewhere and you don't have to feel people are staring at you.
Get on the floor
It also helps to realise that many other people on the dance floor will be as self-conscious as you but most of the time, no body's watching other people constantly or judging them, so just go with the flow. Avoid the centre of dancing circles at all costs. Make sure you're safely on the outer side of the dance floor so that you're not drawing undue attention to yourself.

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