Wednesday 9 October 2013

A Report on Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment Definition:  

"The legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a crime."

What is Capital Punishment/Capital Punishment Facts

Capital punishment is the practice of executing someone as punishment for a specific crime after a proper legal trial. It can only be used by a state, so when non-state organizations speak of having 'executed' a person they have actually committed a murder.
Capital punishment is the death penalty. It is used today and was used in ancient times to punish a variety of crimes; The Death Penalty is a controversial issue because there are people that state the Death Penalty is wrong and good in some way.

History of Capital Punishment:

In 1947, at the time of independence, only homicide and treason were punishable by death penalty. The important evolution occurred between 1977 and 1988 under General Zia ulHaq’s regime, and the beginning of the Islamisation of the country. The peak of executions by year was reached in 1978, with 207 executions. The lowest happened in 1989, where no execution took place.
During the last year of Benazir Bhutto's reign (1996), only 9 executions occurred. Her father had been sentenced to death and executed after an unfair trail under General Zia ulHaq’s regime. The last five years have seen an increase of convictions to death after the 2003 Supreme Court ruling which stated that, in cases of murder, “the normal penalty of death should be awarded and leniency in any case should not be shown, except where strong mitigating circumstances for lesser sentence could be gathered”.
On 21 June 2008 Prime Minister announced that his government will send a proposal for President’s approval to commute all current death sentences as a tribute to Benazir Bhutto, the leader of his Pakistan People's Party who was killed outside an election rally in December2007.
Capital Punishment

On 4 July 2008, the Pakistan Law Ministry strongly opposed the federal cabinet approving the commutation of the death penalties of 7,000 convicts to life terms, claiming the decision was a violation of Islamic laws.

Forms of capital punishment/Types of capital punishment

Lethal Injection
Death by Stone
Against capital punishment some thories are followed through which we  can conclude that capital punishment is not a right thing but some of thories and Laws explain us about its benefites. For more detail click below links.

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