Sunday, 30 June 2013

What is Attitde? A predisposition or a tendency to respond positively or negatively towards a certain idea, object, person, or situation. Attitude influences an individual's choice of action, and responses to challenges, incentives, and rewards (together called stimuli). Major Components Of Attitude Four major components of attitude are:L (1) Affective: emotions or feelings. (2) Cognitive: belief or opinions held consciously. (3) Conative:...
COST OF CAPITAL DEFINED Cost of capital is defined as the rate of return that is necessary to maintain the market value of the firm (or price of the firm’s stock). Managers must know the cost of capital, often called the minimum required rate of return in: (1) making capital budgeting decisions; (2) helping to establish the optimal capital structure; and (3) making decisions such as leasing, bond refunding, and working capital management. The cost of capital is computed as a weighted average of the various capital components, which are items on...

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Role Of Financial Manager The financial manager of a firm plays an important role in the company’s goals, policies, and financial success. The financial manager’s responsibilities include: 1. Financial analysis and planning: Determining the proper amount of funds to employ in the firm, i.e., designating the size of the firm and its rate of growth 2. Investment decisions: The efficient allocation of funds to specific assets 3. Financing and...
What Is Financial Management Financial Management can be defined as: The management of the finances of a business / organisation in order to achieve financial objectives There are three key elements to the process of financial management: (1) Financial Planning Management need to ensure that enough funding is available at the right time to meet the needs of the business. In the short term, funding may be needed to invest in equipment and...

Monday, 24 June 2013

Mr.Obama Barack Hussein Obama II is the 44th and current President of the United States, the first African American to hold the office. Wikipedia Born: August 4, 1961 (age 51), Honolulu, Hawaii, United States Full name: Barack Hussein Obama II Previous office: Senator (IL) 2005–2008 Office: President of the United States since 2009 Parents: Barack Obama Sr., Ann Dunham Education: Harvard Law School (1988–1991), Columbia University (1981–1983),...

Sunday, 23 June 2013

You have been offered a job in a firm. Write a letter of acceptance.  Job Acceptance Letter 80-A Omer Hayat Block ICOBHS, MIT Road Lahore 27 November 1997 Mr. Omer Iman Director HR X.Y.Z. Karachi Dear Sir JOB ACCEPTANCE LETT...
Wind Power We've used the wind as an energy source for a long time. The Babylonians and Chinese were using wind power to pump water for irrigating crops 4,000 years ago, and sailing boats were around long before that. Wind power was used in the Middle Ages, in Europe, to grind corn, which is where the term "windmill" comes from. How Wind Power Energy works/ Wind Power Plant The Sun heats our atmosphere unevenly, so some patches become...

Saturday, 22 June 2013

What isFossil Fuels?  Coal, oil and gas are called "fossil fuels" because they have been formed from the organic remains of prehistoric plants and animals. How Fossil Fuels Formed There are three major forms of fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas. All three were formed many hundreds of millions of years ago before the time of the dinosaurs – hence the name fossil fuels. The age they were formed is called the Carboniferous Period....
What is Management Report? Management reports) compare actual results achieved with budgeted forecast levels and thus identify deviations from expected performanc... A report can be defined as a testimonial or account of some happening. It is purely based on observation and analysis. A report gives an explanation of any circumstance. In today’s corporate world, reports play a crucial role. They are a strong base for planning and control in...

Friday, 21 June 2013

What is Nuclear Energy? What is Nuclear Power? Energy from splitting Uranium atoms Nuclear Power Energy is generated using Uranium, which is a metal mined in various parts of the world. The first large-scale nuclear power station opened at Calder Hall in Cumbria, England, in 1956. Some military ships and submarines have nuclear power plants for engines. Nuclear power produces around 11% of the world's energy needs, and produces huge amounts...
The Basic Cloncept Of Power Power The quantity work has to do with a force causing a displacement. Work has nothing to do with the amount of time that this force acts to cause the displacement. Sometimes, the work is done very quickly and other times the work is done rather slowly. For example, a rock climber takes an abnormally long time to elevate her body up a few meters along the side of a cliff. On the other hand, a trail hiker (who selects...

Thursday, 20 June 2013

What is HTML? The HTML lang attribute can be used to declare the language of a Web page or a portion of a Web page. This is meant to assist search engines and browsers.  Here all sort of information about HTML language, codings,HTML Codes, Basic HTML, &HTML, HTML Course, HTML Help, HTML Guide, Presentations, Presentation On HTML Language, Add HTML, HTML SlidesShow, HTML Web page, HTML 5.0, is provided. NOTE:DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION ON...
Letter Writing Placing Orders An order letter is a contract of selling and purchasing or services. Orders are considered one of the simplest types of direct request. While placing an order, you need not excite your reader’s interest; just state your needs clearly and directly. Many companies use special forms for ordering merchandise or service. They may use their own, called a purchase order, or one provided by the seller, called an...

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Learning Leraning is the process, how an individual learn? what are the steps of learning, ? These all questions are resolver by this Leanring Theory, Whic is explained below: According to stephen Robin " Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavor that occurs as a result of experience" Learning Theory The focus on process obviously takes us into the realm of learning theories – ideas about how or why change occurs. On these...

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

What is Cultural Intelligence? Cultural Intelligence (CI) is the ability to make oneself understood and the ability to create a fruitful collaboration in situations where cultural differences play a role. CI consists of three dimensions that correspond to the classical division between emotion, understanding and action: The emotional dimension – ‘intercultural engagement’  This dimension relates to the emotional or feeling component...
Child Development The early years of a child's life are very important for his or her health and development. Parents, health professionals, educators, and others can work together as partners to help children grow up to reach their full potential. 10 facts about early child development as a social determinant of health Fact 1 Brain and biological development during the first years of life depends on the quality of stimulation in the infant’s...

Monday, 17 June 2013

What Is Motivation?  Definition:  Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. Motivation is what causes us to act, whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge. It involves the biological, emotional, social and cognitive forces that activate behavior. In everyday usage, the term motivation is frequently used to describe why...

Sunday, 16 June 2013

What is Cognition?/What is Cognative The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. hat exactly is cognition and how does it work? Here we will attempt to outline and explain some of the basic concepts involved with the inner workings of your head. Cognition literally means “to know”.  Knowledge can be thought of as memories formed from the manipulation and assimilation...
LETTER WRITING PRESENTATION How To Write A Letter? 5 RULES FOR BETTER LETTER WRITING Better writing can result in proposals that win contracts, advertisements that sell products, instruction manuals that users can follow, billboards that catch a driver’s attention. stories that make us laugh or cry, and letters, memos, and reports that get your message across to the reader. Here are 12 tips on style and word choice that can make writing clear...
Fitness Programs/Exercise program  Fitness is not a magic, it is acquired by the excercise, and other tools which i will discuss below. Today my topic is on FITNESS as my previous topic was EXERCISE. You may also see this post of Exercise by clicking this bolded and hyperlink word. 5 Steps To Getting Starte For Fitness Programs Starting a fitness program may be one of the best things you can do for your health. Physical activity...
Exercise Want to feel better, have more energy and perhaps even live longer? Look no further than exercise. The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are hard to ignore. And the benefits of exercise are yours for the taking, regardless of your age, sex or physical ability. Need more convincing to exercise? Check out these seven ways exercise can improve your life.No. 1:  Exercise controls weight Exercise can...
Women's Rights Women’s rights around the world is an important indicator to understand global well-being. A major global women’s rights treaty was ratified by the majority of the world’s nations a few decades ago. Yet, despite many successes in empowering women, numerous issues still exist in all areas of life, ranging from the cultural, political to the economic. For example, women often work more than men, yet are paid less; gender discrimination...

Saturday, 15 June 2013

EXAME STRATEGIES Exam day has come, and you know you have prepared adequately, but you may still be anxious when the time comes to actually take the exam. Don’t be embarrassed. Many students feel stressed, nervous, and worried when they have to demonstrate what they’ve learned through an exam. The following tips will guide you through exam day. Remember that every exam is different. This test-taking guide is written in a general sense, with an...
Sleep A condition of body and mind such as that which typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is inactive,... What is Sleep? We all have at least a vague notion of what sleep is, but that doesn't mean that defining this mysterious part of our lives is simple. After all, detailed analysis of our own sleep isn't really an option, given that we rarely know that we're sleeping when we're asleep. And...

Friday, 14 June 2013

STUDY SMART BEFORE EXAM Many college students feel stressed and overwhelmed when a test or exam is approaching. By studying for tests in a smarter way, you will save time and be prepared to ace your exams. In addition to the reading and note-taking tips you’ve read about, you can take advantage of specific tips to enhance your exam preparation. Below is a detailed list of common study methods college students use to prepare for exams. Explore...
Child Labor God has given human beings the boon of wisdom and discretion to think upon the signs of the universe and to draw conclusions. That is the reason why they disclose the hidden facts of it and its structure and have made remarkable progress in many walks of life. Children are the flowers of heaven. They are the most beautiful and purest creation of God. They are innocent both inwardly and outwardly. No doubt, they are the beauty of this...
Question of Priorities This is apropos your editorial “Question of Priorities” (May 30). Taking a cue from Nawab Sharif,  the argument present in editorial is odd one, i.e, ‘guns vs butter’- Pakistan’s present economic woes, particularly the power crisis, owe a great deal to defence spending and creating a ‘ balance’ between  the two will pave a way for economic development. The argument is an over simplification of economic problems facing Pakistan today and requires intellectual scrutiny on several accounts. First, there is no causative...

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Learn Mathematics Tips/ How to Learn Mathematics 1. Always read math problems completely before beginning any calculations.  If you "glance" too quickly at a problem, you may misunderstand what really needs to be done to complete the problem. 2. Whenever possible, draw a diagram.  Even though you may be able to visualize the situation mentally, a hand drawn diagram will allow you to label the picture, to add auxiliary lines, and to...

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

What is an IP address? Every device connected to the public Internet is assigned a unique number known as an Internet Protocol (IP) address. IP addresses consist of four numbers separated by periods (also called a 'dotted-quad') and look something like Since these numbers are usually assigned to internet service providers within region-based blocks, an IP address can often be used to identify the region or country from which a computer...
MANAGE YOUR TIME When it comes to studying, managing your time is of the upmost importance. You should determine how much time spent studying is enough, which varies from student to student and from one class to another. Continue reading to discover helpful tips for better managing your time studying. How much time should I spend studying? The amount of time you should spend studying depends on how many classes you are enrolled in, your personal...

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