Saturday 26 January 2013

Drug Abuse Presentation

Drug Abuse Presentation
The word drugs is believed to have originated by mistake from a German word ‘’drog’’ meaning ‘’dry’’ which common usages denotes contents. Drugs is not scientific term.
A chemical substance that effects the central nervous system, causing changes in behavior and often addiction.
Causes Of Drug Abuse:
The causes of drug abuse and drug addiction are wide and varied. There are many reasons for the drug abuse and drug addiction
Types Of The Drugs & Their Effects:
There are so many types of drugs are presented in this presentation:

Use of Antibiotics:
This is medically proved that to use of antibiotics abate the potential of immune system.
According to theory:
According to duty theory duty lies to :
It is also suggests to formulate clear and easy comprehensive public messages for the identification of synthetic drugs, consequences of abuse, distinction between synthetic and life saving drugs.

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