Wednesday 6 February 2013

Water Crisis presentation

Water Crisis
Water crisis is the term used to refer to the world’s water resources relative to the human demand.
Water is one resource that cannot be generated it can only be preserved.
Sources of water:
The sources of water can be divided into two categories.
Surface water
ground water
Surface water:
It includes three hydrological units:
Indus basin river
Closed basin kharan desert
Makran coastal basin................
Indus basin river:
It consists of mountain basins Indus plain, Karachi plains and desert areas of Sindh.
Its principle rivers and tributaries are Indus, Shyok, Gilgit, Astor, and Siran, Kabul joined by Jhelum, Chenab and Sutlej.
Makaran basin:
constitutes of streams of Malir, Hub, Porali, Kud, Hingol, Nai, Mashhai, Dasht, Nihing and Kech.
covers an area of 122,400 sq. km
main source of water is rainfall.
From this basin 0.78 maf of water.
Ground water:
The recharge or absorption to the ground is around 72 maf, out of which about 48 maf is in the command of Indus basin irrigation system.
Depth from 100 to 200 feet.
Water Distribution:
About 80% of the Punjab enjoys fresh ground water
Sind it’s less than 30%.
In NWFP, due to the greater amount of abstractions for wells done every year, it’s now reaching into saline layers
Baluchistan has almost all saline groundwater.
Tarbela dam:
Located on indus river.
2nd larest dam.
designed to store water from the Indus River for irrigation, flood control, and the generation of hydroelectric power.
Mangla dam:
Built on river jhelum.
Gross capacity of of 5.882 maf and live storage of 5.41 maf.
It has lost 13.2% of its storage and presently can store 4.636 maf of water
For irrigation purposes out of 240.22 maf, 172.21 maf water is utilized.
In this the canal diversions is 105.23 maf;
system loses are 144-40;
rainwater is 6.0 maf;
ground water is 41.30
and utility above rims is 5.28 maf.
Power producers:
WAPDA (Water & Power Development Authority), KESC (Karachi Electric Supply Company), IPPs (Independent Power Producers) and PAEC (Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission).
Hydro and Hydel power:
Hydro Power means conversion of kinetic energy of water into electricity. 
Hydel Power means conversion of temp. difference water into electricity
Energy in the flowing water can be used to produce electricity.
Hydropower Projects:
Diamer Basha Dam Project
Transmission Scheme for Dispersal of Power from Diamer-Basha hydropower Project to Major Load Centres in the National Grid
Water developments:
Construction of dams
Water management:
 Lining the canals
 Groundwater sources
Building of more reservoirs and an effective management strategy.
Implementation of the recommendations.                                     

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