Friday 25 January 2013

Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse Report:
A fine report is available on the topic of drug abuse with the research material.....
The word drugs is believed to have originated by mistake from a German word ‘’drog’’ meaning ‘’dry’’ which common usages denotes contents. Drugs is not scientific term. Therefore, it has been variously defined.
Drugs is very wider term and that can be used for both medicinal and non medicinal purposes. Drugs in context of phrases like drugs problem or drug abuse is really a short hand for socially disapproved ways....
Cultivation in pakistan:
Pakistan is facing a serious and complex situation in narcotics. Two narcotics plants (i)the opium poppy and (ii) cannabis have traditionally been growth in Pakistan. Cannabis grows wild in most parts in Pakistan and as a cultivated plant in the north of the country........
Statement of the problem:
Man’s desire to employ substances that provide pleasurable stimulation or narcotic effect  upon the central nervous system has been expressed universally in ancient as well as in modern civilization. With the passage of time, excessive indulgence, in them came to be considered as.........
Effects of drugs:
The problem of drugs abuse has serious implication for the health and happiness of the individual, family community and society at large. It has for reaching impacts on the economy, society, politics and even on international relations........

Causes of drug abuse:
There is no single cause of drug abuse. The causes of drug abuse are manifold. The causes of drug abuse and drug addiction are wide and varied........
Type of drugs:
Drug that either depress or stimulate the central nervous system may be categorized into eight major group. 
Opioids, including opium, morphine, codeine, heroin, methadone and mepcridine.
Sedatives, including alcohol and anti anxiety agents, which depress the central nervous...............
Quranic Injections against Drugs Addiction:
Heroin, opium and hashish have been widely used without extreme devaluation in Muslim society, although the Quran forbid the use of substances that alter the state of consciousness. ALLAH Almighty ordains in the Holy Quran:...........
To use harmful drugs the crime rate is increased. People can do anything, which is prohibited by law or ethics, just for sake of their money or a ridiculous dose of drug. And this drug abusing is totally unethical according to Quran and Sunhat and also from ethical theories. So to kill this monster in Pakistan our Government should take some action.............
In the light of above analysis, the following recommendations are made: 
It is strongly recommended that, to reduce the demand for illicit drugs through preventive education campaign for awareness certain to reach the maximum population of the country, especially at high risk group................

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