Saturday, 26 January 2013

Drug Abuse Presentation Introduction: The word drugs is believed to have originated by mistake from a German word ‘’drog’’ meaning ‘’dry’’ which common usages denotes contents. Drugs is not scientific term. Definition: A chemical substance that effects the central nervous system, causing changes in behavior and often addiction. Causes Of Drug Abuse: The causes of drug abuse and drug addiction are wide and varied. There are many reasons for the drug abuse and drug addiction Types Of The Drugs & Their Effects: There are so many types...

Friday, 25 January 2013

Drug Abuse Report: A fine report is available on the topic of drug abuse with the research material..... Introduction: The word drugs is believed to have originated by mistake from a German word ‘’drog’’ meaning ‘’dry’’ which common usages denotes contents. Drugs is not scientific term. Therefore, it has been variously defined. Drugs is very wider term and that can be used for both medicinal and non medicinal purposes. Drugs in context...

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