Tuesday 19 November 2013





“Culture is the total of the inherited ideas,beliefs,values,and knowledge,which constitute the shared bases of social action.”


Common culture includes sharedconfiguration, religions, languages and style of communication.If we compare two different countries along with their culture, factors discussed above would be differentiated. According to traditions in china, their work is based on group work but if we lie in the context of Americans, they prefer individualism. Culture is a knowledge that is transferred in society and shared by some group of peoples. Everything is included in the culture that constitutes the norms and values of the society. Thinking and actions of the nation are also part of culture. All the components of culture are interrelated as change in its one part tends to change its other part.


Intercultural communication deals with interacting with people or sending and receiving messages between people who have different cultural backgrounds. There is a possibility of leading to misunderstanding while switching from culture to culture.
As in switching from one organization to other, we learn new technologies, new learning and new opportunities to survive in other culture and work in different culture and change our self-according to the audience of that culture where we are doing work. We learn different business style. Every organization have different environment, different symbols. We enhance relationship with different types of people in organization. They can help us in different things if we understand different cultures we can easily avail chance of job in any organization and we can win the hearts of audience easily.
We learn from intercultural communication:
How to deal in different cultures
How to work in different cultures
How to communicate in different cultures
How we can work in different teams
How we can solve conflicts
How to achieve goals
How we can generate different ideas
Different innovations
Different thinking
New innovations
To deal with intercultural communication we should focus on the following areas:

1. Awareness. ( intercultural communication)

 It is the knowledge to understand the people reaction when they are different, and how our actions might affectactual working relationships.Its our need to focus on individuality of people instead of our perceptions.

2. Attitude.( intercultural communication)

It is the ability that assists to awareness. By attitudes people are able to judge norms and values regarding cultural differences Attitude enable people to examine their values and beliefs about cultural differences, and recognize its roots. Facts are most important than our judgments or perceptions. It is important that to focus on facts, rather than judgment. Moreover some people are biased and prejudiced than others can quickly interrupt cultural exercise.  The objective is handling cultural diversity in the workplace, and creating nominal working relationships - not to create conflicts.

3. Knowledge.( intercultural communication)

It is revealed by social science research that our values and principles about equivalence may be unreliable with behavior. Unluckily, we are usuallyignorant of this factor. Knowledge and awareness regarding about our own conduct and its relation with justice and efficiency of organization is an integral component. It's also vital to be well-informed about other cultures by communicating in different organizations. Our objective is broadmindedness, which is essential for effective teamwork. Modifications are what make tolerance needed, and tolerance is what makes modifications thinkable.

4. Skills.( intercultural communication)

 The goal of training - in awareness, attitude, and knowledge - should be skills that allow organizational leaders and employees to make cultural competence a seamless part of the workplace. The new work environment is defined by understanding, communicating, cooperating, and providing leadership across cultures.  Managing cultural diversity in the workplace is also the challenge for organizations that want to profit from a competitive advantage in the 21st century economy. 

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