Sunday 24 November 2013

Complaint Letter Sample

Complaint Letter Sample

Claim Letter
80-A Omer Hayat Block


27 November 1997
Mr. Omer Iman
Director HR
X.Y.Z. Karachi

Dear Mr.Irfan

Fast cable ltd has received your letter on dated 24th Oct 2013.Our company has a policy to provide compensation if any damage is occurred due to our employee. So we are also willing in your case, as per our commitment.

Fast cable ltd has a renowned name, to providing an internet connection, in networking world. FC always hires adroit and very expert employees. Which employee we have sent at your home, he was also one of them specialist. But in your case due to faulted cable wire your device has been damaged. This is due to faulted wire which was supplied to us from your new supplier.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Expert System, its Components And Others

Expert System, its Components And Others

Expert System, its Components And Others

Expert System Definition:

An expert system is a computer program that simulates the judgement and behavior of a human or an organization that has expert knowledge and experience in a particular field. Typically, such a system contains a knowledge base containing accumulated experience and a set of rules for applying the knowledge base to each particular situation that is described to the program. Sophisticated expert systems can be enhanced with additions to the knowledge base or to the set of rules.

Major Component of Expert System:

There is a answer of that question Component of Expert System?...i.e...There are some major components of Expert system that are:

Expert System--The User Interface:

The user interface is the means of communication between a user and the expert systems problem-solving processes. A good expert system is not very useful unless it has an effective interface. It has to be able to accept the queries or instructions in a form that the user enters and translate them into working instructions for the rest of the system. It also has to be able to translate the answers, produced by the system, into a form that the user can understand.Careful attention should be given to the screen design in order to make the expert system appear ‘friendly’ to the user.

Expert System--The Knowledge Base:

The knowledge base stores all the facts and rules about a particular problem domain. It makes these available to the inference engine in a form that it can use. The facts may be in the form of background information built into the system or facts that are input by the user during a consultation. The rules include both the production rules that apply to the domain of the expert system and the heuristics or rules-of-thumb that are provided by the domain expert in order to make the system find solutions more efficiently by taking short cuts.

Expert System--The Shell or Inference Engine:

The inference engine is the program that locates the appropriate knowledge in the knowledge base, and infers new knowledge by applying logical processing and problem-solving strategies.

Types of Expert System  

There are many different types of expert systems. The following list describes the various types.

Diagnosis Expert System: 

Diagnosis types of expert systems are used to recommend remedies to illnesses, trouble-shoot electronic or mechanical problems or as debugging tools.

Repair Expert System: 

Expert systems that define repair strategies are also very common. As well as diagnosing the problem they can suggest a plan for the repair of the item. The repair plan typically contains a scheduling structure and some control structure to validate the repair process. Such systems have been employed in the automotive repair field and similar areas.

Instruction Expert System:

Instructional expert systems have been used for individualised training or instruction in a particular field. The system presents material in an order determined by its evaluation of the user’s ability and current knowledge and monitor’s the progress of the student, altering the sequence depending on this progress.

Interpretation Expert System:

Interpretive expert systems have the ability to analyse data to determine its significance or usefulness. The knowledge base often contains models of real world situations which it compares to its data. These are often used in exploration for mineral, gas and oil deposits as well as in surveillance, image analysis and speech understanding.

Prediction Expert System:

Predictive expert systems are used as a method to “guess” at the possible outcomes of observed situations, usually providing a probability factor. This is used often in weather forecasting.

Design and Planning Expert System:

This allows experts to quickly develop solutions that save time. These systems do not replace experts but act as a tool by performing tasks such as costing, building design, material ordering and magazine design.

Monitoring and Control Expert System:

In certain applications expert systems can be designed to monitor operations and control certain functions. These are particularly useful where speed of decision making is vitally important, for example in the nuclear energy industry, air traffic control and the stock market.

Classification/Identification Expert System:

These systems help to classify the goals in the system by the identification of various features (these can by physical or nonphysical) For example various types of animals are classified according to attributes such as habitat, feeding information, colour, breeding information, relative size etc. These systems can be used by bird watchers, fishing enthusiasts, animal rescue shelters (to match animals to prospective owners) to name a few.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Blast Skin Care Troubles With This Helpful Advice

Blast Skin Care Troubles With This Helpful Advice

Skin Care Tips

Caring for your skin properly impacts more than just your appearance. Good skin care practices have a measurable benefit to your overall health. It is not necessary to buy fancy skin care systems or expensive products to begin caring for your skin properly. Read on for simple, affordable tips.
Reduce your daily stress level by implementing some relaxation techniques. Stress not only makes you feel bad, it is bad for the skin too. You can clear up your skin by getting rid of stress. It will no doubt improve upon other areas of your life as well.
Never go to bed with any makeup on. During this time is when the body and skin rejuvenate while repairing any damage that was done during the day. By going to bed while you're wearing makeup, you will be making it hard for your skin to breathe and it won't be able to repair itself. Therefore, you should completely remove your makeup prior to going to bed. It only takes a few extra minutes out of your day.
Skin Care
If you are prone to flaky or overly dry skin, you need to exfoliate regularly to keep the pores of your skin unclogged to prevent the formation of both blackheads and whiteheads. Exfoliating helps remove the dead and dry skin cells that are on the surface. This allows healthy cells that are full of moisture to come up to the outer layer of skin, which makes your skin appear to glow.
Consuming watercress regularly can actually make your skin appear less puffy, reduce inflammation and shrink pore size. Adding these greens to meals or snacks will provide several definite health benefits and your skin will have a sun-kissed glow. Beyond the benefits to your skin, watercress also contains antioxidants and is a good source of iron. It improves your looks and your health.

Tuesday 19 November 2013





“Culture is the total of the inherited ideas,beliefs,values,and knowledge,which constitute the shared bases of social action.”


Common culture includes sharedconfiguration, religions, languages and style of communication.If we compare two different countries along with their culture, factors discussed above would be differentiated. According to traditions in china, their work is based on group work but if we lie in the context of Americans, they prefer individualism. Culture is a knowledge that is transferred in society and shared by some group of peoples. Everything is included in the culture that constitutes the norms and values of the society. Thinking and actions of the nation are also part of culture. All the components of culture are interrelated as change in its one part tends to change its other part.


Intercultural communication deals with interacting with people or sending and receiving messages between people who have different cultural backgrounds. There is a possibility of leading to misunderstanding while switching from culture to culture.
As in switching from one organization to other, we learn new technologies, new learning and new opportunities to survive in other culture and work in different culture and change our self-according to the audience of that culture where we are doing work. We learn different business style. Every organization have different environment, different symbols. We enhance relationship with different types of people in organization. They can help us in different things if we understand different cultures we can easily avail chance of job in any organization and we can win the hearts of audience easily.

Monday 18 November 2013

Illinois Marriage Records

Marriage Certificate

Illinois Marriage Records

Marriage records/ Marriage Certificates are one of the most accessed documents in most states. IL marriage records are also constantly being requested by the residents of Illinois since it was made open to the public after the Freedom of Information act has been implemented by the state.
The residents of the Illinois request it for a number of reasons. One is to use it for research on the family tree. Most of genealogy researchers would refer to this document in order to get information to update the family history records. Another use of the marriage certificate is for dealing with transactions in any government offices. Some requests in government offices would require a copy of a marriage certificate as proof of one's identity and status. Examples of such transactions includes but not limited to insurance and other financial related transactions. Such document is also used in conducting background check. This is the method used by individuals who wants to check the marital status of their partners to avoid problems should they plan to get married later.
As the name suggest, marriage records would contain information about the marriage of a couple that took place in the state of Illinois. Details about the exact place and date of when the marriage was conducted and registered are the highlights of the said file. The document also shows the names of the couple's parents as well as the witnesses.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Great Ideas For Getting The Most From Your Articles

Write articles

Great Ideas For Getting The Most From Your Articles

Ideas to make money by publishing articles online, people have to actually read your articles. Simply writing good or even excellent content is not enough. Marketing your article can be a difficult task. This article contains some steps that you can take, in order to increase the amount of interest in your articles.
(How to write an article) Write articles that are related to your company. The more exposure you get, the better chance that you will achieve more flow into your website, so utilize article writing to describe the products and services that you offer. This will educate your customers on the specifics of your company, while leading to more traffic at your website.
One way to get the most out of article marketing is to write articles to help readers. Sharing expertise, revealing information and offering solutions to problems all help hold a reader's interest and give him or her a good impression of the author. Helpful articles build their author's reputation as a trustworthy source of information.
As you write an article, be unique and stay true to your style. By inserting some of your own personality into articles, readers will connect to you more. Also, stay direct when making your point, so that readers know what you are trying to say.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Time Value of Money

Time Value of Money

What is The Time Value of Money?

Time Value of Money Definition

The idea that money available at the present time is worth more than the same amount in the future due to its potential earning capacity. This core principle of finance holds that, provided money can earn interest, any amount of money is worth more the sooner it is received. 
A dollar on hand today is worth more than a dollar to be received in the future because the dollar on hand today can be invested to earn interest to yield more than a dollar in the future. The Time Value of Money mathematics quantify the value of a dollar through time. This, of course, depends upon the rate of return or interest rate which can be earned on the investment.
The Time Value of Money has applications in many areas of Corporate Finance including Capital Budgeting, Bond Valuation, and Stock Valuation. For example, a bond typically pays interest periodically until maturity at which time the face value of the bond is also repaid. The value of the bond today, thus, depends upon what these future cash flows are worth in today's dollars.
The Time Value of Money concepts will be grouped into two areas: Future Value and Present Value. Future Value describes the process of finding what an investment today will grow to in the future. Present Value describes the process of determining what a cash flow to be received in the future is worth in today's dollars.

How to Calculate Time Value of Money

1.Choose an option. If you are choosing Option A, your future value will be $10,000 plus any interest acquired over the three years. The future value for Option B, on the other hand, would only be $10,000. So how can you calculate exactly how much more Option A is worth, compared to Option B? Let's take a look,by following given below solved examples..
  • 2
    If you chose Option A and invest the total amount at a simple annual rate of 4.5%, the future value of your investment at the end of the first year is $10,450, which of course is calculated by multiplying the principal amount of $10,000 by the interest rate of 4.5% and then adding the interest gained to the principal amount:
    • Future value of investment at end of first year:
      • = ($10,000 x 0.045) + $10,000
        • = $10,450
  • 3
    You can also calculate the total amount of a one-year investment with a simple manipulation of the above equation:
    • Original equation: ($10,000 x 0.045) + $10,000 = $10,450
      • Manipulation: $10,000 x [(1 x 0.045) + 1] = $10,450
        • Final equation: $10,000 x (0.045 + 1) = $10,450
  • 4
    The manipulated equation above is simply a removal of the like-variable $10,000 (the principal amount) by dividing the entire original equation by $10,000.
  • 5
  • Several Things To Learn Before You Apply Self Tanning Spray On Your Body

    Several Things To Learn Before You Apply Self Tanning Spray On Your Body

    Using a self tanning spray is a great way to darken your skin without causing any harm to it. Far too many people are still baking in the rays of the sun, not caring whether or not this will cause long-term damage. By using a product that allows you to get a golden hue to your skin at home, you can avoid the many risks that outdoor tanning entails.
    There are numerous benefits that a self tanning spray can provide. As an example, you can get a beautiful and even skin tone during the winter months when the sun is not bright and shining overhead. This is ideal for travelers who will be heading to warmer climates and do not want to wear their swimsuits until they have done something about their pale skin.
    People should make sure that they fully understand how to use a self tanning spray before they actually start putting it one. Many consumers make the common mistake of rushing right home, shedding their clothes and spritzing away. They do not think about all the preparation they must do in order to get a flawless application.
    If you want to get optimal results you will need to make your skin ready for the self tanning spray that you are going to apply. You should always bathe or shower in order to strip natural oils away from the skin. Shaving is another necessary step to take. A lot of body hair can make your tan uneven

    Friday 15 November 2013

    Blog Beast Empower Network Will Alter Just How Everybody Does Online Business Forever

    How to Start a Blog/Create Blog

    Blogging is famous given that everyone has some opinions that they like to express themselves. The tips offered below can assist you uncover victory in your blogging undertakings.
    Starting a blog Attempt being there for your visitors frequently. Make a routine out of responding to viewers posts. In case you feel like finishing your blog, you will not just be disappointing yourself.
    An excellent way to obtain some free of charge advertising is simply to be active in your blog is by making remarks on various other's blogs. Google Reader is an outstanding tool for keeping tabs on blogs which are related blogs.
    Make sure to revise regularly to maintain as well as expand your viewers showing up. The majority of the most successful blogs have regular material posted to them at least once each day. If this appears intimidating, try to come up with several posts right before your blog is active. This material could be utilized when you have time to establish content or are having problem coming up with material.
    Permit your viewers comment and allow them understand what you think about what they state. This will allow the readers to be actively involved in your blog and you could develop connections with them. When you make a practice of replying to comments, they will come back to your blog to see if you have actually answered their remark.
    Post your short articles to as many various websites. In this manner, you will draw in as many readers as possible. Don't limit the number of outlets which you utilize. You intend must be to do whatever it takes in order to get substantial varieties of viewers with just one important maneuver. Make use of each outlet at your blog will get the maximum exposure.
    Welcome effective blog writers who have discovered success to compose guest posts on your site. This is a straightforward means to increase the quality of your own blog and generate excellent material. You may also get more website traffic if they allow their readership learn about their postings on your site. You could ask numerous different individuals to assist you develop a more content rich blog.

    Thursday 14 November 2013

    The 5 Essential Facets Of Interior Decoration,

    Interior Decoration
    The 5 Essential Facets Of Interior Decoration

    Interior Decorating/Interior Decorating Ideas

    When it comes to interior design, a lot of folks think you merely shake components with each other in a method that amazingly makes them look great. It all boils down to a number of essential aspects of indoor design.
    The facets used in interior design feature different ways of taking a look at a room. Every one of these elements need to match each many others and cooperate in order for the room to be really successful. Right here are five of the most essential elements made use of on the planet of interior design:
    Harmony - Balance is the means the area's weight is distributed. Too lots of items in one side of the room make it show up off-balance. Radial harmony is used just when the center of the area is the focal factor.
    2. Emphasis The emphasis of the room, also known as the focal point, is very important because this is the part of the room the eye will naturally be drawn to. Rooms may have more than one area of emphasis, depending on the use of the room.
    3. Unity - This aspect is what ties the entire room together. In some cases, the designer may use repetition in various elements, like patterns or colors. Too many competing elements can make a room feel unnecessarily chaotic, so there must be some type of unity that gives everything in the room a real purpose for being there.
    4. Proportion Most people have walked into a room and immediately felt like things were crowded. The use of over-sized furniture in a room that is too small for it can create this feeling. The proportion of everything inside the room is important because it can make some things seem too large or too small for the space.

    Income Statement/Profit and Loss Account

    Income Statement/Profit and Loss Account
    Profit and Loss Statement is a statement which is shown all over the income and profit or loss of an organisation. Decision of stakeholders is depended on such income statement.
    Profit and Loss Statement may make monthly, quarterly and annually.
    Income Statement Example/Income Statement Format

    Wednesday 13 November 2013

    How to Make Cash Flow Statement

    What is Cash Flow Statement/Cash Flow Statement Definition

    It is a statement in which an organisation is recorded inflow and outflow of cash.

    How to Make Cash Flow Statement

    Tuesday 12 November 2013

    How to Make a Balance Sheet

    How to Make a Balance Sheet

    Statement of Financial Position

    Most accounting balance sheets classify a company's assets and liabilities into distinctive groupings such as Current Assets; Property, Plant, and Equipment; Current Liabilities; etc. These classifications make the balance sheet more useful. The following balance sheet example is a classified balance sheet.

    Monday 11 November 2013

    Checklist For An Auto Glass Repair

    Auto Glass Repair

    Checklist For An Auto Glass Repair

    A drinker unexpectedly wrecked his van on a street wall. As a result, a rock chips and crack appeared into the glass window. Days later, he still cannot manage to decide whether to have the shield replaced or repaired because he does not know how to determine when. Shops as auto glass repair Jacksonville FL might be ideal but you also need a guide first before consulting it to a machinery.
    In some automobile repairing stations, there are machines which are already advanced. When we say advanced, they can already repair a crack with the measure of ten up to twelve inches and a rock chip more than a quarter size. Yes, the size, in order for you to decide, have the size of the damage checked by yourself first. But if the rock chip is more than a quarter size and the crack exceeds into more than three inches, most of the repairmen will suggest a replacement.
    Also try to look for the location of the damage. The location of the damage will matter for it may or may not affect your driving. Considering your money, if you still do not have enough financial to fix the affected area and if it will not affect your driving, better use your money to a more important need.

    Sunday 10 November 2013

    What is Financial Management And its Objectives

    Financial Management

    What is Financial Management

    A basic management function involving formulation of one or more detailed plans to achieve optimum balance of needs or demands with the available resources. The planning process (1) identifies the goals or objectives to be achieved, (2) formulates strategies to achieve them, (3) arranges or creates the means required, and (4) implements, directs, and monitors all steps in their proper sequence.

    Objectives of Financial Management

    1.Profit maximization : (Objectives of Financial Management)

    The main objective of financial management is profit maximization. The finance manager tries to earn maximum profits for the company in the short-term and the long-term. He cannot guarantee profits in the long term because of business uncertainties. However, a company can earn maximum profits even in the long-term, if:-
    a)The Finance manager takes proper financial decisions.
    b)He uses the finance of the company properly.
    Objectives of Financial Management
    2.Wealth maximization : (Objectives of Financial Management)
    Wealth maximizing (shareholders' value maximization) is also a main objective of financial management. Wealth maximization means to earn maximum wealth for the shareholders. So, the finance manager tries to give a maximum dividend to the shareholders. He also tries to increase the market value of the shares. The market value of the shares is directly related to the performance of the company. Better the performance, higher is the market value of shares and vice-versa. So, the finance manager must try to maximise shareholder's value.
    3.Proper estimation of total financial requirements : (Objectives of Financial Management)
    Proper estimation of total financial requirements is a very important objective of financial management. The finance manager must estimate the total financial requirements of the company. He must find out how much finance is required to start and run the company. He must find out the fixed capital and working capital requirements of the company. His estimation must be correct. If not, there will be shortage or surplus of finance. Estimating the financial requirements is a very difficult job. The finance manager must consider many factors, such as the type of technology used by company, number of employees employed, scale of operations, legal requirements, etc.
    4.Proper mobilisation : (Objectives of Financial Management)
    Mobilisation (collection) of finance is an important objective of financial management. After estimating the financial requirements, the finance manager must decide about the sources of finance. He can collect finance from many sources such as shares, debentures, bank loans, etc. There must be a proper balance between owned finance and borrowed finance. The company must borrow money at a low rate of interest.
    5.Proper utilisation of finance : (Objectives of Financial Management)
    Proper utilisation of finance is an important objective of financial management. The finance manager must make optimum utilisation of finance. He must use the finance profitable. He must not waste the finance of the company. He must not invest the company's finance in unprofitable projects. He must not block the company's finance in inventories. He must have a short credit period.

    What is Probability, Definition And More

    What is Probability
    What is Probability?
    Probability Definition: Chances of occurring an event is known as  Probability.
    Probability is a branch of mathematics that deals with calculating the likelihood of a given event's occurrence, which is expressed as a number between 1 and 0. An event with a probability of 1 can be considered a certainty: for example, the probability of a coin toss resulting in either "heads" or "tails" is 1, because there are no other options, assuming the coin lands flat. An event with a probability of .5 can be considered to have equal odds of occurring or not occurring: for example, the probability of a coin toss resulting in "heads" is .5, because the toss is equally as likely to result in "tails." An event with a probability of 0 can be considered an impossibility:
    Probability Examples, the probability that the coin will land (flat) without either side facing up is 0, because either "heads" or "tails" must be facing up. A little paradoxical, probability theory applies precise calculations to quantify uncertain measures of random events.
    In its simplest form, probability can be expressed mathematically as: the number of occurrences of a targeted event divided by the number of occurrences plus the number of failures of occurrences (this adds up to the total of possible outcomes):
    Probability Formulas
    p(a) = p(a)/[p(a) + p(b)]
    Calculating probabilities in a situation like a coin toss is straightforward, because the outcomes are mutually exclusive: either one event or the other must occur. Each coin toss is an independent event; the outcome of one trial has no effect on subsequent ones.

    Saturday 9 November 2013

    Water Heater Repair Framingham

    Water Heater Repair Framingham

    Top Tips Concerning Water Heater Repair Framingham

    In the current world, most people enjoy taking hot showers. They achieve by using heating systems. At one point or another, such systems develop problems. In order to fix the problems, an individual might end up spending lots of money. In most cases, spending such money is not necessary. The only thing that one should do is to learn about water heater repair Framingham offers.
    Using such tips, one can handle the simple repairs and save time and money. In extreme cases, one should consider calling for help from a professional. As an individual, some of the common things that you will experience while using the system is less heat. If that is the case, make sure to check if the pilot light is on. If not, try to turn it on and see if you solved the problem. Some of the components might be old and need replacement.
    With accumulated sediments come strange noises. If you happen to hear such noises, the best step to take is to check the tank for any dirt. If there will be any, make sure to clean the same so that there would be no further accumulation. In fact, an individual should make sure that he or she carries out daily cleaning in order to make sure that nothing goes wrong.
    Leaking tanks is another headache that faces most people. If you are wondering about the cause of this problem, wonder no more. Due to the accumulation of different materials in the tank over time, rust finds the idea condition to spread to other parts. If you want to avoid doing a replacement due to rust, you will have to ensure that no sediments accumulate.

    Friday 8 November 2013

    How To Buy Copper Bullion

     Copper Bullion

    How To Buy Copper Bullion

    To have a high quality bullion, you must know what to do when you buy copper bullion. There are some in the form of bars and coins with higher amounts. The items are usually little above to their spot price for some reasons. To be considered as a valuable item, you must know various qualities.
    One is its real value and its appearance. There are no mistakes when the product costs more than the coins due to age and other reasons that it must undergone. It will mostly build a precious value over time because the greater the age, the more precious it has to be in the eyes of many. It will build a good reputation over time as it survives from great terror.
    Some circumstances that it can go through to remain its value is the mint that makes it for reasons important. The bar being seen or taken as a historical makes a special taste to every investor. This indeed is rare special with the content or how it is being made and the longer time it takes for them to still remain in the industry even nowadays.
    Another thing to be considered is its purity and the real content of gold stated on it. This material will give proof when the subject is all about purity and so on. It can give you something in return when it has to talk about the how pure it is or how long can appear pure. They are made of pure gold to say.

    Monday 4 November 2013

    Management Styles

     Management Styles

    Types of Management Styles

    There are several different types of management styles when it comes to managing in the workplace and choosing the right type of style to lead with could have a big impact in terms of how your staff produces for you. But knowing the four different leadership styles in management does not mean that you can simply pick one and then that is going to work because you are then in essence trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. In most cases, the traits of the staff that you are managing will help to define the management styles you will use, something blending a combination of the different categories.
    Here is a look at the four different types of management styles and the situations when each of them may need to be use.

    Autocratic Management Style

    An autocratic manager makes decisions without the consultation of others, instead serving as a dictator type in communicating orders because they like to be in control of situations. This style of management leads to work getting done on time because there are less people involved in the decision making process. The problem with this type of management style is that the staff are going to eventually lost motivation working in an environment where they have no say and employee turnover is likely to run high as they move on to other opportunities where they can have an impact.
    For situations or events where an on the spot decision needs to be made, this type of leadership can serve a purpose, but trying to have an autocratic style of management in place for long periods of time is just going to lead to headaches for all involved. This style of leadership is more suited for a prison setting or in the military and not so much for business management.

    Democratic Management Style

    A democratic manager is willing to share work with his staff by delegating it to get the job done. You are banking on the competency of your team to get the job done on time and to have it done correctly. Employees love this type of  management style in business because they feel involved and part of the process. Their job performance is likely to be better than in an autocratic setting, though giving them the authority to do the work may lead some to rely on other to bear the brunt of the work on the project. Also, depending on what type of work it is, employees may feel like the work is being pushed off on them because you as a manager don’t feel like doing it.
    Getting too many people involved in the project or process could slow the work down. It could also mean less time for you to concentrate on your work as your team asks questions and waits on your answers before proceeding to the next steps.

    Participative Management Style

    Also sometime known as consultative management style, this decision making style in management revolves around getting lots of feedback from your staff before coming to a conclusion and making a decision. This means that the process can take a bit longer as there are more voices to be heard, but getting a consensus on major decisions can lead to buy in from those who might otherwise have been opposed to the implementation of such changes. The downside to this style of management and leadership is that employees may feel that you don’t value their opinion or are too stubborn if after all of the feedback is received you go off and make the decision in your own without incorporating any of their feedback.
    If you are going to make company or departmental policy changes, this type of style can make the team feel involved and more apt to go with the flow of whatever changes are coming down. This style also works well for brainstorming sessions as you work on new product ideas or marketing promotions.

    Laissez Faire Management Style

    In this leadership management style, the team is given the freedom to complete the job or tasks in any way they deem it should be done. It is a hands off approach at the management level in terms of direction, but the manager is there to answer questions and provide guidance as needed. This is a good way to help develop individual contributors into leaders which is only going to serve to make your team stronger ion the long run. On the flip side, it can lead to conflict on the team is some employees try to assume the role as a leader in the interim or to dictate to others how their work should be done.

    Reef Octopus Skimmers

    Reef Octopus Skimmers

    Reef Octopus Skimmers

    We sell Reef Octopus Skimmers retail and wholesale throughout the entire United States. If your interested in a Reef Octopus product or have any questions please feel free to contact us anytime. We also sell Octopus products wholesale to retail pet stores, aquarium maintenance, and any business in the aquarium hobby.
    We strive to provide you with the best Reef Octopus skimmers, pumps, and accessories. Reef Octopus skimmers are what founded the company, and have been proven in the aquarium hobby as a reliable and quality product. Reef Octopus skimmers are one of the most widely used protein skimmers in the aquarium trade!

    Sunday 3 November 2013

    Information Systems

    Information Systems
    Information Systems
    Short for management information system or management information services, and pronounced as separate letters, MIS (Management Information System) refers broadly to a computer-based system that provides managers with the tools for organizing, evaluating and efficiently running their departments. In order to provide past, present and prediction information, an MIS (Management Information System) can include software that helps in decision making, data resources such as databases, the hardware resources of a system, decision support systems, people management and project management applications, and any computerized processes that enable the department to run efficiently.
    Within companies and large organizations, the department responsible for computer systems is sometimes called the MIS (Management Information System) department. Other names for Management information system MIS include IS (Information Services) and IT (Information Technology).
    Marketing Information Systems
    Marketing activities are directed toward planning, promoting, and selling goods and services to satisfy the needs of customers and the objectives of the organization.
    Marketing information systems support decision making regarding the marketing mix. These include:
    Marketing Information Systems
    1. Product
    2. Price
    3. Place
    4. Promotion
    The illustrates the structure of the entire marketing information system. In order to support decision making on the marketing mix, a marketing information system draws on several sources of data and information.
    Sources of Data and Information for Marketing: Boundary-Spanning and Transaction Processing Subsystems
    A marketing information system relies on external information to a far greater degree than other organizational information systems. It includes two subsystems designed for boundary spanning - bringing into the firm data and information about the marketplace.
    The objective of marketing research is to collect data on the actual customers and the potential customers, known as prospects. The identification of the needs of the customer is a fundamental starting point for Total Quality Management (TQM). Electronic commerce on the WEB makes it easy to compile statistics on actual buyer behaviour.
    Marketing research software supports statistical analysis of data. It enables the firm to correlate buyer behaviour with very detailed geographic variables, demographic variables, and psychographic variables.
    Marketing (competitive) intelligence is responsible for the gathering and interpretation of data regarding the firm's competitors, and for the dissemination of the competitive information to the appropriate users. Most of the competitor information comes from corporate annual reports, media-tracking services, and from reports purchased from external providers, including on-line database services. The Internet has become a major source of competitive intelligence.
    Marketing Mix Subsystems/Marketing Strategy
    The marketing strategy subsystems support decision making regarding product introduction, pricing, promotion (advertising and personal selling), and distribution. These decisions are integrated into the sales forecast and marketing plans against which the ongoing sales results are compared.
    Marketing mix subsystems include:
    1. Product subsystem
    2. Place subsystem
    3. Promotion subsystem
    4. Price subsystem
    5. Sales forecasting
    Product Subsystem-Information Systems
    The product subsystem helps to plan the introduction of new products. Continually bringing new products to market is vital in today's competitive environment of rapid change. The product subsystem should support balancing the degree of risk in the overall new-product portfolio, with more aggressive competitors assuming higher degrees of risk for a potentially higher payoff.
    Although decisions regarding the introduction of new products are unstructured, information systems support this process in several ways:
    1. Professional support systems assist designers in their knowledge work
    2. DSSs are used to evaluate proposed new products
    3. With a DSS, a marketing manager can score the desirability of a new product.
    4. Electronic meeting systems help bring the expertise of people dispersed in space and time to bear on the problem
    5. Information derived from marketing intelligence and research is vital in evaluating new product ideas.
    Place Subsystem-Information Systems
    The place subsystem assists the decision makers in making the product available to the customer at the right place at the right time. The place subsystem helps plan the distribution channels for the product and track their performance.
    The use of information technology has dramatically increased the availability of information on product movement in the distribution channel. Examples include:
    1. Bar-coded Universal Product Code (UPC)
    2. Point-of-sale (POS) scanning
    3. Electronic data interchange (EDI)
    4. Supports just-in-time product delivery and customized delivery
    Promotion Subsystem-Information Systems
    The promotion subsystem is often the most elaborate in the marketing information system, since it supports both personal selling and advertising. Media selection packages assist in selecting a mix of avenues to persuade the potential purchaser, including direct mail, television, print media, and the electronic media such as the Internet and the WEB in particular. The effectiveness of the selected media mix is monitored and its composition is continually adjusted.
    Database marketing relies on the accumulation and use of extensive databases to segment potential customers and reach tem with personalized promotional information.
    The role of telemarketing, marketing over the telephone, has increased. Telemarketing calls are well supported by information technology.
    Sales management is thoroughly supported with information technology. Customer profitability analysis help identify high-profit and high-growth customers and target marketing efforts in order to retain and develop these accounts.
    Sales force automation, involves equipping salespeople with portable computers tied into the corporate information systems. This gives the salespeople instantaneous access to information and frees them from the reporting paperwork. This increases selling time and the level of performance. Access to corporate databases is sometimes accompanied by access to corporate expertise, either by being able to contact the experts or by using expert systems that help specify the product meeting customer requirements.
    Price Subsystem-Information Systems
    Pricing decisions find a degree of support from DSSs and access to databases that contain industry prices. These highly unstructured decisions are made in pursuit of the companys pricing objectives. General strategies range from profit maximization to forgoing a part of the profit in order to increase a market share.
    Information systems provide an opportunity to finely segment customer groups, and charge different prices depending on the combination of products and services provided, as well as the circumstances of the sale transaction.
    Sales Forecasting-Information Systems
    Based on the planned marketing mix and outstanding orders, sales are forecast and a full marketing plan is developed. Sale forecasting is an area where any quantitative methods employed must be tempered with human insight and experience. The actual sales will depend to a large degree on the dynamics of the environment.

    Saturday 2 November 2013

    Transaction Processing Systems

    Transaction Processing Systems

    Transaction Processing Systems

    Transaction Processing Systems
    Transaction processing is supported by programs that are called transaction processing systems.
    Transaction processing systems provide three functional areas:
    System runtime functions
    Transaction processing systems provide an execution environment that ensures the integrity, availability, and security of data. It also ensures fast response time and high transaction throughput.
    System administration functions
    Transaction processing systems provide administrative support that lets users configure, monitor, and manage their transaction systems.
    Application development functions
    Transaction processing systems provide functions for use in custom business applications, including functions to access data, to perform intercomputer communications, and to design and manage the user interface.
    The services of a transaction processing system runtime environment include the following:
    Scheduling and load balancing. Controlling the rate and order in which tasks are processed to give higher-priority tasks the best response times and to adapt to the availability of application servers and other system resources.

    Friday 1 November 2013

    Transaction Processing System Functions

    Understanding Transaction Processing System Functions

    EnterpriseOne uses the following system functions for transaction processing:
    • Begin Transaction
    • Commit Transaction
    • Rollback Transaction
    The following screen shows you the transaction processing system functions that display when you choose to attach a system function to an event rule:
    Figure 25-1 Transaction Processing System Functions
    Surrounding text describes Figure 25-1 .
    To use transaction processing in reports, you must enable the Transaction Processing property.
    To enable Transaction Processing:
    1. Report Design Aid, open the report for which you want to use transaction processing.
    2. Click the File menu, select Report Properties, and then select the Advanced tab.
    Figure 25-2 Properties: Advanced Tab
    Surrounding text describes Figure 25-2 .
    Ensure that the Transaction Processing option is selected.

    25.1.1 Begin Transaction

    Call the Begin Transaction system function to start a manual transaction. Calling this system function initiates the beginning of the table updates that are part of the transaction. This system function has one MathNumeric type parameter named Transaction ID. You can use a Report Level Math Numeric variable to pass into the Transaction ID parameter. Even though you must pass in a value for Transaction ID, the value is not currently being used by the system. This is because at any one time, only one transaction can be started from Event Rules.
    After calling the "Begin Transaction" system function, the report can use Table I/O statements or Business Functions to conduct database table operations.
    To include the Table I/O statements in the current transaction.
    1. Click the system function you have assigned to the event rule.
    2. Click the Table I/O icon.
    3. On Insert Table IO, in the Advanced Operations section, select Open, and then click Next.
    4. On Data Source, click the Advanced Options button.
    5. On Advanced Options, click the Include in Transaction option, and then OK.
    Figure 25-3 Advanced Options: Include in Transaction Option
    Surrounding text describes Figure 25-3 .

    25.1.2 Commit Transaction

    Call the Commit Transaction system function to commit all the database operations started since the Begin Transaction call. Similar to Begin Transaction, this system function takes in a Transaction ID parameter. You can use the same variable as the one used in Begin Transaction system function.