Saturday 12 October 2013

Improving Intercultural Communication Skills

What is Intercultural Communication And how it Improved
Intercultural Communication

Intercultural Communication Definition

Intercultural communication is the process of sending and receiving messages between people whose cultural background could lead them to interpret verbal and non verbal signs differently. Different people have different cultural backgrounds, because they belong to different cultures and with that they also have different verbal and non verbal signs. These signs in one culture could create hassles in other culture.

Improving Intercultural Communication Skills

Communication successfully between cultures requires a variety of skills. You can improve your intercultural skills throughout your carrier by studying other cultures and languages, respecting preferences for communication styles, learning to write and speak clearly, listening carefully, knowing when to use interpreter and translator and helping other to adapt to your culture.

Studying other culture

Effectively adapting you communication efforts requires not only knowledge about the culture but also both the ability and the motivation to change your personal habit as needed. Much company’s appoints specialist for specific countries origin giving employees a chance to focus on one culture at a time. Some firms also provide resources to help employees prepares for interaction with other culture.

Studying other languages

The languages are most important factor in the business communication. Without the ability to communication in more than one language, how could this diverse group of people ever conduct business? So the language plays a vital role in your day to day communication with your business people.
Even if you colleagues or customers in another country speak your language, it’s worth the time and energy to learn common phrases in theirs. Learning the basics not only helps you get through every day business and social situation but also demonstrate your commitment to the business relationship. After all, the other person probably spent year learning your language.

Respecting preferences for communication styles

Communication styles including the level of directness, the degree of formality, preference for written versus spoken communication and other factors vary culture to culture. Knowing what your communication expects can help you adapt to their particular styles. Once again watching and learning are the best ways to improve your skills.
Directness is also value in Sweden as a sign of efficiency, however but unlike with discussion in the United States, heated debates and confrontations are unusual. Italian German and French executive do not soften up colleagues with pair before they criticise. Doing seems they manipulated to them.

Writing clearly

Ina business clarity and simplicity are essential when writing to or speaking with the people who do not share you native language. To reorganise your writing in the business follows these recommendations.
Use simple, clear language
Be brief
Use transitional elements
Address international correspondence properly
Cite number and dates carefully
Avoid slang, idiomatic phrases, and business jargons
Avoid humour and other references to popular cultures
With the use of all of these instructions your business letter becomes very effective for your business.

Speaking and listening carefully

Languages vary considerably in the significance of tune, pitch, speed and volume. The English word progress can be noun or a verb depending on which syllable you accent. In Chinese the meaning of the word ma changes, depending on the speaker tones. It can mother horse scold when talking with the people, whose language is different from yours, remember that the processing of even every day conversation can be difficult. For instance speaker from the U.S are notorious for stringing together multiple words into a single, mystifying pseutoword, such as turning “did you eat yet?)

Using interpreter, translator and translation software’s

You may encounter business situation that require using an interpreter (spoken communication) or a translator (for written communication) interpreters and translators can be expensive, but skill professionals provide in valuable assistance for communicating in other cultural context. T he and cost require professionals translations has encourage the development of machine translation and any form of computerised intelligence use to translate one language to another.

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