Saturday 19 October 2013

How to Write an Essay

How to Write an Essay

How to Write an Essay 

How to Write a Good Essay ? 

The Essay Writing is a technical thing. Now these all tips for writing an essay are revealed in this post.
There are some steps for writing a essays such as:
How to Write an Essay -essay map
(1) How to Write an Essay--Outline
(2) How to Write an Essay--Introduction 
(3) How to Write an Essay--Thesis Statement
(4) How to Write an Essay--Body
(5) How to Write an Essay--Conclusion 
Now these steps are discussed one by one as below:

(1) How to Write an Essay--Outline:

First, for writing an essay design outline of an essay. In this outline try to reveal all important points which will be discussed in an essay. There are two ways for planning an outline for writing a best essay.
(a) First you can just write some words in bullets but in random manner that what is in your mind just write on paper in outline form. After that these bullets word will be explained in body paragraph of the essay.
(b) Second is that write an outline in a planned manner. That what will be discussed first and then later. In this manner outline contains headings and subheadings of an essay.
After write an outline of a essay now start to write introductory paragraph. In introductory paragraph you have to explain topic introduction, but there are some ways for answering a question of how to start an essay?

(2) How to Write an Essay--Introduction:

This is a step from which an essay is started. Now the question is thahow to start an essay?
There are some different methods to start an best essay such as:
(i) Start an essay with quotations of famous persons. Through these quotations essay will be started in direct manners form title of an essay. Quotations and saying are revealed topic of essay very clearly. 
(ii) Strat with a question or criticism. This is an effective way to start an essay but in critical writing.
(iii)  Third and very impressive way to start  an essay is that you take start with a different topic and from giant idea. Like an advertisement, the advertisement is started with a different idea or a scene and then this scene is linked with the main idea. Similarly an essay is started with different topic and different idea and then should be linked with main topic. This style of start an essay is very impressive because reader cannot judge topic of essay after reading the first line of an essay. In other words we can say that this is a way to drag the mind of reader on an other topic with best idea and then link on main topic of essay. This detraction carry best result to increase reader attention.

(3) How to Write an Essay--Thesis Statement

Now question is that how to write a thesis statement?  
To write a thesis statement is an art. This is a jist of your essay. Whole essay is design on the thesis statement. The Thesis Statement is the backbone of an essay. Because of this Thesis Statement whole essay is explained. This is the part of introductory paragraph.

What is a Thesis Statement?

Thesis Statement Definition:
A sentence in an essay, report, analysis paper, or speech that identifies the most plan and/or central purpose of the text.The thesis statement is the organizing principle of the text and frequently seems within the introductory paragraph, typically at the end of the introductory paragraph.It shows the mian idea of an essay on which essay is writen. 

(4) How to Write an Essay--Body

The body paragraph of  an essay  contain whole description of thesis statement. Here a writer of an essay should explain whole relevant knowledge about the topic you have. Here give example and evidence to prove that which sort of information you are conferring is right and authentic. Also give references if needed. Explain everything clearly. Here a reader should be satisfied and this only can be possible when his all questions in his mind are resolved by your provided information.

(5) How to Write an Essay--Conclusion 

Now again re-summarize your essay and clearly explained main idea and theme of essay. Conclude your essay with  positive and effective ending.


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