Monday 23 September 2013

What is Management and its Functions

What is Management And Four Functions of Management
Ther are four management functions. The Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling an organization’s human, financial, and material resources to increase its effectiveness.
 Four Functions of Management
In planning, managers establish their organization’s strategy, in other words, how best to allocate and use resources to achieve organizational goals. Much uncertainty and risk surround the decisions of managers during planning, and an understanding of organizational behavior can improve the quality of decision making, increase success, and lower risk.
In organizing, managers establish a structure of relationships that dictate how members of an organization work together to achieve organizational goals. Organizing involves grouping workers into departments, groups, and teams based on the tasks they perform. Organizational behavior offers guidelines on how to organize employees to make the best use of their capabilities and enhance communication and coordination.
When leading, managers encourage workers to do a good job and coordinate individual and groups so that all organizational members are working toward organizational goals. The study of different leadership methodsand how to match leadership styles to the characteristics of the organization is a major concern of organizational behavior.
When controlling, managers monitor and evaluate individual, group, and organizational performance to see whether organizational goals are being achieved. Knowledge of organizational behavior allows managers to understand and accurately diagnose work situations and pinpoint the need for corrective action or strive to maintain and improve performance. Several processes at the individual or group levels (e.g., personality conflicts, poor job design) may cause poor performance. Managers perform their four functions by assuming a number of roles in organizations. A role is a set of behaviors or tasks a person is expected to perform because of the position she or he holds in a group or organization.

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