Saturday 7 September 2013

What Is Diversity

What Is Diversity?

Diversity includes all the contents and characteristics that define people as individuals and differentiate them from each other. The word diversity absorbs a variety of components in it. These components define the scope of diversity how it affects the environment. The major factor is of culture that varies from region to region. As we consider the business context, it changes from organization to organization. To interact with different culture we need a basic grasp of culture differences which we may encounter. In business organization all legal, ethical, social differences are held clear.

To deal with diversity, we have to adjust according to the culture provided by the organization. For a successful dealing and communication in a diverse world we must have knowledge of preferences, liking and disliking followed by different cultures. For a smooth survive, we have to lead “Golden Rule” and respect the dynamics of other cultures. As in global market place, companies perform business transactions without regard to time zone and boundaries with due respect. In a diverse region we have to communicate with a variety of people irrespective of their. Our report focuses on the respect that has to manage diversity in groups as well as how to take care of the diverse factors and to utilize them in a constructive way to convert them into anything which is positive for the whole group. After covering theoretical portion on diversity we worked on research project to verify the attributes of diversity practically. We researched on Telenor with aspect to diversity and represented its attributes in statistical manner to make the findings constructive in the report.


Creating a more diverse workforce in your small business is important not only to follow laws, but it can also benefit your company from a productivity standpoint. Diversifying your workforce can be tricky, as some employees may not relate well to people from different cultures or backgrounds. Some recommendations can help you not in the recruitment of a more diverse workforce,
The following are recommendations to further improve diversity in workplace: 
1. Every employee must be involved in framing and performing diversity tasks to get diversified results.
2. Environment of organization must possess openness. Boostup employees so that they to express their opinions and suggestions and each opinion must be equally valued.
3. Diversity be promoted in leadership positions as this implication is a source of  benefits of diversity in the workplace.
4. Diversity training system must be introduced so that each employee must be aware of diverse policies.
5. A survey must be launched after specified intervals to check the employee satisfaction.
6. Use the results to build and implement successful diversity in the workplace policies.
7. Introduce your company workers from different backgrounds with differentiated abilities and experiences; it would lead to innovation and problem solving. Moreover it enhances company’s creativity.
8. To expand market share and create more customers, marketing department must represent diversified region. So that appropriate employee may tackle the type customer.
9. Organization must be culturally diversified. Different cultures must be promoted in the organization .
10. Employees must be given a training session of one month before hiring in order to adopt culture of organization.
11. There must be respect provoking environment in the organization, so that employees and employers must remember their own cultural value and respect cultures of others.
12. Hiring of employees must not be based on any personal biases; equal criteria must be set for all candidates.
13. To improve diversity there must be a language training system so that language may not prove to be barrier in communicating with customer.
14. Use fastest and latest means of advertisement as it is the demand of diverse world.
15. To deal with diversity, messages must be written and conveyed according to the will of receiver.
16. One must attend services from other regions so that he may be aware how services are promoted in other cultures.
17. Travelling to different cultures enhances knowledge to deal with diversity.
18. Overcome the factor of ethnocentrism in the organization.
19. Avoid assumptions and perceptions to get rid of stereotypes. Every instruction or information must be cleared to all.
20. Company must be kept effective and wining, running on right track.
21. Help the people by providing them the resources required by them and properly utilize their skills to attain organizational objective.
22. Respect employees and give a positive feedback on their contribution.


It is concluded that diversity is not a predefined set of instructions rather it is a code of conduct and act as an initiative. It is the methodology which contained art of managing workforce and serving customers. When an organization is ran on the grounds of insertion, diversity is an element of everything. Hence divert is considered an integral part of business community.

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