Tuesday 10 September 2013

About Diversity/ What is Diversity?


“Otherness or those human qualities that are different from our own and outside to which we belong, yet present in other individuals and groups”


People constitute differences among the term diversity. These differences are from life experiences which are faced, as our place of education and where we live. Marital status, career path or level of income can define different perspectives. These factors differentiate one individual from the other in a diverse world.Diversity deals with occurring differences among different classes in accordance with age, class, civilisation, physical and conceptual ability, spiritual practise, and other human characteristics. Diversity in workplace creates openings for both workers and employers which generates more proceeds.
About Diversity/ What is Diversity?
Our report focuses on the aspect that how to manage diversity in groups as well as how to take care of diverse factors and to utilise them in a constructive way to convert them into anything which is positive for the whole group. The report is based on two sections. i.e.
1. Theoretical
2. Research
First of all theoretical region would be covered to give a detailed description.
As by a famous author:
Theodore Roosevelt once said,
"The most important single ingredient in the formula of success knows how to get along with people."


There are various challenges are faced when we are working in an intense and diverse environment. To deal with diversity we have to tackle following components:


Diversity generates hassles about fairness because judgement and equivalence in the workplace is always an aspect. Because of these tools it assures that there are no doubts regarding justice and everyone is regarded equality.


We think that it is an easy task to handle the people with similar mindset, but it’s not the case every time. Where there is a homogenous environment of organisation, there are less conflicts and the management do not bother to alter its style. There is no requirement to approach people contrarily.


For an organiser its very easy to deal with people who possesses similar backgrounds. Different viewpoints are not taken under consideration and we also don’t bother different approaches.


 As we belong to an identical group, we are aware of our definition. We believe that. There is no need that we be persistently defined and we think that we ever not wonder that if can trust new people with new attributes and even not expect that they would be really loyal to the organisation.
Although all the above factors are considered as challenges to diversity but these challenges act as a source of motivation for the organisation. As we face new methodologies, we define innovation. Although it may be difficult to deal with but it is the demand of current market as change is good.
Organisations that are elastic and are ready to face new challenges, are able to contribute there diverse skills to the organisation and introduce new plans and new things. It leads to a higher degree of innovation.


  1. The article is well written but I think besides mentioning the challenges, if the techniques to handle it would have been provided then this article would have been much better.

  2. Thanks alot and u are very right I will do this in my next post. And cordially apreciate your suggestion
