Sunday 9 June 2013

Request for Credit Denial Reasons Letter

Request for Credit Denial Reasons

According to the law you have the right to ask for your credit report within 60 days of the turn down if you are denied the credit. You should send a copy of the letter to all the bureaus.

Credit Bureau

Credit Bureau address


Dear Sir/Madam,

I have been recently denied an application for <type of loan>, as I do not have a credit report to validate my
credit standings.

In accordance with the FCRA, I have the right to claim a free copy of my credit report.
My personal Info being:

Your name: Date of birth: Social Security no: Current Address: Former Address:
I am enclosing herewith a copy of the turn down letter, a photocopy of my driving license verifying my present address and a photocopy of my Social Security Card. Please send my credit report at the earliest.

Thank you,
Yours sincerely,
Your Name
Your Address


  1. This is actually a very important piece of information if you have recently applied for a loan and been denied. Receiving a free credit report in addition to the reasons for your credit denial provides you with a tremendous amount of leverage in terms of understanding what things need to be worked on in order to look more presentable to the lenders you will petition in the future. With a little bit of time and effort spent on cleaning up your report with these tools, you stand to be a lot better off. Thanks. Here is some related info that was helpful to me
