Wednesday 5 June 2013

Problems of Rural Area

Problems of Rural Area And Recommendations
We have seen some problem there; those are dangers for these people who live in villages. These are:
(1) Health problem is very common and dreadful in rural areas. We surveyed here and come to the point that the ratio of illness is greater in villages then cities. We become surprised that why villagers are patient ratio is more than the citizens while they are live in non polluted environment. Well there is a reason behind this result.
The reason is that they did not take care of themselves and are not conscious about cleanness, and they do not know how to prevent from gums. Therefore they never use special cleaning products mean they have no difference in between the soap, shampoo and through which sort of soap they have to use for bath r clean their clothes or pots.
Due to this sort of thing they become ill, carry skin infections and many more.
They take their animal at same place where their kids play, women works, and they are easily dwelling there.  Because of these sorts of reasons they fell ill more quickly.
(2) There is no any dispensary and hospital. They do not know what they should to do in case of emergency. For example : if a  person who is a patient of asthma then how to give oxygen from mouth to mouth in case of any emergency. They really do not know this method. They have to travel at central city for taking treatment. They do not want double charges; one of heavy fairs and another is fee of a doctor. Therefore, mostly become frustrated and avoid to take treatment.
(3) They are using contaminated water. They do not use boiled water, and do not store water properly or in clean manner.  Actually they do not know how to clean water and what is the importance of it and how drastically water can influence their health.
(4) Education is very tedious problem there. There are counting of schools but teachers are not competitive to educate them. Teachers are hardly matriculated and intermediated. If they are not competitive too much then what will they educated their students! This is main problem we have analyzed there. There is no level of education.
(5) There is a huge and drastic monster of misconception in their minds.  And this is that they think that if any person’s father is a farmer his son will be too. And if any person tries to give education to his kids then they think that they will not fit for doing any job and they are not professional. Only citizens are appointed for jobs in offices. And we are villagers and always will be deprived from jobs opportunities. Even they really think that they are not come in world for doing jobs in offices and they have no status. They just do the similar work what is father has done.  So we analyzed this is a big monster in their minds.
(6) There are so many more problems with women too. These women are very adroit in their hand work but have no any platform for show their skills. These ladies are trounced by their men. And her thought is set that they are born for tolerate this norm of beating and threatening. And men also think similar that these women have no status. This is also a whimsical problem. 
This report is revealed on the drastic problems of rural areas. Our NGO thinks about their problems and enthusiastically want to solve them.   
(A) We prepare a team who will provide proper guidelines to them. There is need of proper guide and to educate them for how to save their selves from gums. They should keep away from their animal, even should keep them at separate place.
(B) There should be any dispensary or clinic, so this we appoint some of Doctors for survey in this dispensary weekly. And also appoint compounder who will be available there every time. Due to this in case of emergency so many lives can be saved. And our team is ready for educate them that how to tackle dreadful situation.
(C) We plan for providing the method to clean the water. And how they can save themselves for diseases; those are created from water.
(D) To resolve the problem of education we think we will Educated these teachers and also appoint more educated teachers there. We appoint some graduated students and master holders persons who will provide their knowledge freely and will train them, once a time, in a month or within 15 days. We analyzed that these students are very intelligent and hard worker. They are highly enthusiastic for taking good education and want to take education from central cities but become discourage because of poverty. And this is truth that they are more zealous for study as compare to citizen, because they have less concentration on fashion. They are simple students and not focused on fashion too much ; like to work hard. So, we should confer them a chance and their talent will be beneficial for the whole nation.  
(E) And to kill this monster in their minds we have to negotiate with them and also trained them. We have planned to give opportunity for doing work in companies and also trained them that how to interview and prepare their selves. Our NGO has very competent persons who will negotiate them and encourage their confidence level. 
(F) Govt. has to appointed a psychiatrist who will give us his precious time in this training. She is appointed specially for the women problems. And we also thought that we will give a platform to these ladies for use their skills. They can stitch clothes and do many more hand work things so we planned for bestow chance them and earning of their handmade products will be given to them. 

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