Tuesday 4 June 2013

Management Practice

Management PracticeAssignment

Dynamics of Management

This assignment will help you to identify the application of different concepts related to Management in a real time organization. It will also equip you will tools and skills to analyze an organizational overall management systems.
This is a practice assignment


1. This is a group-based assignment and four persons are allowed to work in a group at maximum.
2. Weight age of this assignment will be equal to two assignments.
3. Submission will be made on/before 26thDecember 2012 during the class.
4. Assignment will be submitted in hard form and in a due professional way
5. Your assignment can be electronically checked for plagiarism
Reference Case: Southwest Airlines: In a Different World (find on moodle.umt.edu.pk)


Read the case thoroughly and perform the following tasks;
1- What is the nature of environment (in terms of degree of change and complexity) which Southwest is operating in?
2- What are the goals/objectives of Southwest?
3- What strategy southwest is adopting to achieve its goals/objectives?
4- What are the management challenges which Southwest is facing while achieving its goals
5- What kind of organizational design Southwest currently holds?
6- Do you think environment, strategy, and structure/design of Southwest are aligned with each other?
7- What are the issues specifically related to behaviors of employees at Southwest?
8- What leadership style is being followed by leadership at Southwest?
9- By using Hersey and Blanchard’s situational leadership model, identify the Readiness level of people in Southwest and recommend the most suitable leadership style according to the readiness level of people. Also discuss if Leaders at Southwest have already adopted the same or different leadership style.
Feel free to see me during counseling hours, if you need any further clarification
Best of Luck

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