Wednesday 12 June 2013


What is an IP address?

Every device connected to the public Internet is assigned a unique number known as an Internet Protocol (IP) address. IP addresses consist of four numbers separated by periods (also called a 'dotted-quad') and look something like

Since these numbers are usually assigned to internet service providers within region-based blocks, an IP address can often be used to identify the region or country from which a computer is connecting to the Internet. An IP address can sometimes be used to show the user's general location.

Because the numbers may be tedious to deal with, an IP address may also be assigned to a Host name, which is sometimes easier to remember. Hostnames may be looked up to find IP addresses, and vice-versa. At one time ISPs issued one IP address to each user. These are called static IP addresses. Because there is a limited number of IP addresses and with increased usage of the internet ISPs now issue IP addresses in a dynamic fashion out of a pool of IP addresses (Using DHCP). These are referred to as dynamic IP addresses. This also limits the ability of the user to host websites, mail servers, ftp servers, etc. In addition to users connecting to the internet, with virtual hosting, a single machine can act like multiple machines (with multiple domain names and IP addresses).

Was ist eine IP-Adresse?

Jedes Gerät, dass zum Internet verbunden ist, hat eine eindeutige Nummer zugewiesen, bekannt als Internet Protocol Adress (IP). IP Adressen bestehen aus vier Nummern, die durch Punkte (auch genannt "Dotted-Quad") getrennt werden. Eine Adresse kann so aussehen:

Seitdem diese Nummern normalerweise einem Provider zugeordnet werden, der diesen Regionen zuteilt, kann eine IP Adresse dazu benutzt werden, die Region oder das Land herauszufinden, von dem ein Computer sich zum Internet verbindet. Manchmal kann eine IP Adresse sogar benutzt werden, um die exakte des Computers zu zeigen.

Weil es schwer ist, sich an solche Nummern zu erinnern, können IP Adressen einem Host Namen zugeordnet werden, an den man sich leichter erinnert. Host Namen können dazu verwendet werden IP Adressen zu finden und umgekehrt. Einst vergaben Provider IP Adressen an jeden Benutzer. Diese nennt man statische IP Adressen. Weil es nur eine begrenzte Anzahl an an IP Adressen gibt und da die Vergabe von IP Adressen stetig ansteigt, vergeben die Provider jetzt in einer dynamischen Art Adressen aus einer Gruppe von IP Adressen heraus (mittels DHCP). Diese bezeichnet man als dynamische IP Adressen. Das begrenzt allerdings auch die Fähigkeiten eines Nutzers Webseiten, Mail Server, FTP Server und andere zu hosten. Zusätzlich zu Nutzern die sich zum Internet verbinden, kann mit virtuellem Hosting eine einziger Rechner wie mehrere Rechner zusammen auftreten (Mit verschiedenen Domains, Namen und IP Adressen).

How do I change my IP address?

"How do I change my IP address?" and "Can I change my IP address?" are probably the most commonly asked questions. Please attempt the following then, if that does not work, visit the Change IP Address forum.

Before trying any other methods to change your IP address, try turning off (or unplugging the power of) your Cable/DSL modem for five minutes. In many cases this will change your IP address. However, if that does not change your IP address, repeat the process for 8 hours (overnight works well) instead of 5 minutes. Hopefully this will result in an IP change.

If the above does not result in your IP address changing, please look through the below for the situation that best matches yours and attempt to change your IP address that way. Unfortunately you are not able to get your IP address to change in all cases, as it is ultimately determined by your ISP's DHCP configuration (when you've got a dynamically assigned IP address, that is.)


- Computer connected directly to the modem

  1.     Get to a command prompt. (START, run, cmd).
  2. Type "ipconfig /release" (without the quotes, on the command line by itself).
  3. Type "ipconfig /renew" (without the quotes, on the command line by itself).

  1. Windows (second option)

    - Computer connected directly to the modem
      1.     Get to a command prompt. (START, run, cmd).
      2.     Type "ipconfig /release" (without the quotes).
      3.     Shut down computer.
      4.     Turn off computer.
      5.     Turn off all ethernet hubs/switches.
      6.     Turn off cable/DSL modem.
      7.     Leave off overnight.
      8.     Turn everything back on.

        Network with Router

        1.     Log into the router's admin console. (Often
        2.     Release the IP address. (Method varies by router manufacturer)
        3.     Turn off router, ethernet hubs/switches, and the cable/DSL modem.
        4.     Leave off overnight.
        5.     Turn everything back on.
          If you are using a cable/DSL modem and a router, you may wish to connect your computer directly to the cable/DSL modem. Please note that this could significantly impact your system security. This allows your ISP's DHCP to issue you a new (hopefully changed) IP address based of the (hardware) MAC address of your computer's ethernet card.
              If all the above has not worked to change your IP address and you have a router, check and see if there is a "Clone MAC Address" option. Using it should change your IP address; however, you'll only be able to do it once (in most cases).
                  These will not work in all cases. If all else fails contact your internet service provider (ISP) and ask them if they are able to change your IP address or how long your connection needs to be off for your IP address to change.
                      If you trying to change your IP address because you are just trying to access web based forums you may wish to attempt to configure your internet browser to use a proxy server.

                      1 comment:

                      1. To protect yourself on the internet kindly check What is My IP Tools for your security.
