Wednesday 5 June 2013

Debt Validation Letter

Debt Validation

Your Name
Your Address

Collection Agency Name
Collection Agency Address


Re: Account No:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I was going through a copy of my credit report and noticed that there was a collection from your agency on my credit report, which I was not notified about. I don’t refuse to pay, but this is a notice that your claim is disputed.

In accordance with the FDCPA, I have the right to request for a validation of my debt. This is asking for proof regarding this and verifying the same.

You must be aware that reporting such inaccurate information will result in defamation of character and it would leave a dark patch on my credit report. You are supposed to stop all collection activities including reporting this information on my credit report. I’m sure you are aware of the fact that non-compliance with this request will lead you to legal trouble.

Please attach copies of the following with the reply:
1. The agreement which authorizes the creditor to collect debt on the alleged debt.
2. The signed agreement from the debtor conforming to pay the creditor.
3. The documents regarding the payments made on this account validating the amount.

With regards,

Your Signature

 Your Name

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