Monday 15 April 2013


Principles of Business Communication

Dear Mr. Naeem,

            In accordance with your request of recent date, in which you expressed concern about the damaged merchandise you received on May 18, I have reviewed your case and have reached the decision that full restitution should be made to you.


Dear Customer,

            Now is the time when all smart shoppers are taking advantage of the special money-saving buys at Bright, while our Back-to-School Sale is in progress.

            School will be starting soon and crowds of shoppers are trying to buy their children’s clothes. Why not come in now while we offer the lowest prices of the year and a pleasant shopping atmosphere.


Dear Mr. Tariq

            I regret to inform you that we are completely booked up for the week of August 22. We have no rooms available because the Word Processors Association will be holding their convention at our hotel during the week of August 22. As you will surely understand, we have to reserve as many rooms as possible for members of the association.
            If you can’t change the date of your trip, maybe you could find the double room with bath that you want at another hotel here in Murree.


Dear Mr. Asif:

            With reference to your order for our 35 mm camera, we are in receipt of your cheque and are returning same.

            I beg to inform you that, as a manufacturer, our company sells cameras to dealers only. In compliance with our wholesale agreements, we deem it best to refrain from direct business with private consumers.

            For your information, there are many retailers in your vicinity who carry cameras. Attached please find a list of said dealers.

            Hoping you understand.

    Yours truly,

Dear Mr Ali:

We have received your order for a 35mm camera but, unfortunately, must return your cheque. As a manufacturer, we sell cameras only to dealers, with whom we have very explicit wholesale agreements.

            Nevertheless, we sincerely appreciate your interest in our product. We are therefore enclosing a list of retailers in your community who carry a full line of our cameras. Any one of them will be happy to serve you.

            Sincerely yours,

Communication is an important part of our world today. The ability to communicate effectively with others is considered a prized quality of the successful business people. To communicate easily and effectively with your readers, you should apply the following Seven ‘C’ principles:

1.  Clarity                                5.  Correctness
2.  Conciseness                                     6.    Courtesy
3.  Consideration                     7.  Completeness
4.  Concreteness


Clarity means getting your message across so that the receiver will understand what you are trying to convey. You may not be able to write clearly if you have not thought out your message first. It is better to write down the main points of the message. A rough draft should be made first and then revised.
Clarity is achieved in part through a balance between precise language and familiar language. Put right word to convey the meaning. Familiar words are often conversational.
Following are some ways to help make your message clear.

a) Choose, Short, Familiar, Conversational words

Simple Words

Complex Words
Simple Words
A substantial segment of the population
Many people
Affords an opportunity

 Concise Words
Complex Words
Concise Words
Arrived at the conclusion
At a later date

Avoid repetitive words. In the following redundant expressions, the italicized words are unnecessary and should be omitted”

Absolutely free
Meet together
Adequate enough
Over with
As to whether
Past experience
At about
Personal opinion
Attached hereto
Quite unique

Conversational Words.
Trite Expressions
…..Choose these conversational  words
Acknowledge receipt of
thank you for
Agreeable with your desires in the matter
as you sugested
are in receipt of
as per our conversation
as we discussed
at the earliest possible date
as soon as (you) can
at the present writing
At your earliest convenience
As soon as you can or when you are ready

Here are some of the more popular clichés; use them sparingly– only when you’re sure they best express your intent.
         All things being equal
         Break the ice
         By leaps and bounds
         By rule of thumb

b) Construct effective sentences and paragraphs.
At the core of clarity is the sentence. A sentence moves thought clearly within a paragraph. Clear writing is easy to understand. It requires short and easy words. Generally speaking, a sentence in a business letter should have 3 to 30 words. Each sentence should express unity of thought. The word into a sentence and sentence into a paragraph should be arranged in a way that they become a coherent whole.
Important characteristics are as follows:
    • Length
The suggested length is 17 to 20. You can adopt a range from 3 to 30. Rewrite a sentence of more than 40. Sentences under 10 words are overly simple.
It means that you have one main idea whether you use a simple, compound or complex sentence.
.Coherence brings clarity. In it words are correctly arranged so that ideas are clearly expressed.
      • Vague: Being the chief executive, we can expect help from you.
        Clear:  Being the chief executive, you can surely help us.
        Little Emphasis: The order was received and the manager started preparing for it.

        Better Emphasis: As the letter was received, the manager started preparing for it.

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