Monday 15 April 2013


Non- Verbal Communication
 What is the non-verbal part of the message?
 Nonverbal communication consists of that part of a message that is not encoded in words. The nonverbal part of the message tends to be less conscious and often reveals the sender’s feelings and preferences more spontaneously and honestly than the verbal part. If the verbal message does not match the nonverbal communication, people tend to believe the nonverbal message. The nonverbal aspects of communication are so closely intermingled with the verbal part and it is difficult to separate them. People receiving verbal and non-verbal messages combine them with the context in which the communication takes place and interpret the total message.
Four types of nonverbal messages
Non-verbal communication can be classified into four types.
1. Personal (to the individual)
2. Common to a group of people or culture
3. Universal (to humankind)
4. Unrelated to the message (random)
Personal nonverbal communication involves kinds of nonverbal behavior that are unique to one person. The meaning is also unique to the person sending the message. For example, someone may work while talking; another person may work in silence. One person may laugh due to nervousness or fear, while another may cry.
Cultural nonverbal communication, by contrast, is characteristics of, or common to a group of people. It is learned unconsciously by observing others in the social group. In Aboriginal culture, for example, eye contact is less acceptable than it is in European culture.
Universal nonverbal communication is behavior that is common to humankind. It shows happiness, sadness or deep-seated feelings – for example, a smile or tears.
Unrelated nonverbal communication, such as a sneeze, is unrelated to the verbal message. It can distract from the verbal message, but has little effect on the meaning of the verbal part of the message.
How to analyze non-verbal communication?
People communicate nonverbally with body movements and personal relationship behaviors. This nonverbal communication changes or complements the verbal communication. Nonverbal communication always occurs in a context, or framework. The context often determines the meaning of the nonverbal behavior. On different occasions, the same nonverbal gestures may have completely different meanings. Without context and spoken works, nonverbal behavior is almost impossible to interpret with any accuracy.
Different aspects of non-verbal communication
Theoretical writings and research classify nonverbal communication into seven main areas:
1. Body movement (kinesics behavior)
2. Physical characteristics
3. Touching behavior
4. Vocal qualities (paralanguage)
5. Space (proximity)
6. Artifacts
7. Environment
Body Movement 
Body movement, or kinesics behavior, includes movement of the hands, head, feet and legs, posture, eye movements and facial expressions – all these affect the message. Body posture – the way a person stands, leans forward. A person leaning forward, shaking and pointing a finger at someone is seen as trying to dominate the other person. The way this is received by others, and the type of feedback given, determines how the communication will flow. For example, emblems are non-verbal acts learnt through imitation to reinforce or replace the words. The non-verbal signals for ‘okay’ are a nod or a smile.
Physical Characteristics
Physical characteristics such as body shape, general attractiveness, body and breathe odours, weight, hair and skin colour are important parts of nonverbal communication. Because people react and respond to these factors, they all determine their responses in interpersonal encounters. First impressions and images of others can be associated unconsciously with past experiences of people with similar physical characteristics.
Touching behavior
Strocking, hitting, holding or guiding the movement of another person are examples of touching behavior that communicate non-verbally. Each of these adds a different meaning to a message. Touch can console or support the other person and show feeling such as affection. A handshake, for example, can express dominant equality. A pat on the arm can convey intimacy or control.
Paralanguage (Vocal Qualities)
Paralanguage is that part of language associated with but not involving the word system. It consists of the voice qualities and vocalizations that affect how something is said rather than what is said. Voice qualities include:
        Pitch range
        Pitch control
        Rhythm control
        Articulation control
Vocalizations also give clue to the total message. Three of these are shown in table. The tones of voice, rate of speaking and voice inflection are an important part of the total message. A tired person, for example, will speak more slowly than relaxed one, a disappointed person may speak with a flat tone, while the tone of voice of someone excited about a coming holiday reflects excitement. 

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