Monday 25 February 2013


For many years now, globally, the media has assumed and reinforced its important role as a legitimate reflection of public interest and opinion. Since Edmund Burke’s famous remarks made in the House of Commons in England in 1774 in recognition of the important contributions the press made, the place and position of the media in society and governance structure of states continues to be recognized and consolidated as the fourth estate. This is very true of the Pakistani media which is fast becoming a strong pillar, catalyst and tool of democracy since 1994 when Pakistan re-embraced multi-party democracy with a liberalized, plural media..... 
Ethical Conduct a safeguard of Media Freedom  The initiative by the Pakistan Electoral Commission (MEC) to facilitate a process of self regulation through a code of practice to guide the conduct of the media during the 2009 general elections lies at the heart of Media Council of Pakistan’s (MCP) mandate to safeguard media freedom through self regulation. The number one objective of Media Council  of  Pakistan  is  to  defend  and  safeguard  media  freedom  in  Pakistan......

Defining Self Regulation
Self regulation is about setting minimum standards on ethics so that journalists attain the highest professional standards that enable them become responsible. It is a responsible media that can be trusted by the public and that can make its rightful demands from the government. A media that is characterised by punishments is often viewed negatively as being irresponsible and therefore not credible.......
Media Betrayal
There is betrayal of freedom of the media in Pakistan, including the freedom of expression and the public right to freely receive and impart information and opinion and ultimately betrayal of professionalism. Key to this betrayal is the adage: “Who eats ethics?” This is an operating maxim that guides some media practitioners. It is the motto of the antithetical media profession that operates in the opposite direction. It has made media practitioners or industry succumb to various pressures ranging from poor remuneration packages, ambush managers, tight lips, political pressure, commercialism and ownership. 
(Note: It is too long and very authentic report on media ethics, so to see detail DOWNLOAD whole file)


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